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Boynextdoor 🚪

Leehan 🖤: who was but sometimes written about?

Riwoo 🌟: who was But I like you about?

Shoulders: who was Serenade about?

Leehan 🖤: who was one and only about?

Myeong Leader: no one?

Leehan 🖤: why did Taesan have so many different lines for "you're driving me crazy"

Giant Mountain: bc I want the song to sound good?

Baby MC: you guys don't use ur brains do u?

Shoulders: plot twist, who was written for riwoo by Jaehyun

Riwoo 🌟: wtf

Leehan 🖤: I gotta start song writing

Myeong Leader: that would be fun

Leehan 🖤: I got lyrics

Baby MC: go ahead


Myeong Leader: that's the lyrics to serenade?

Leehan 🖤: 🤫

Myeong Leader went offline

Giant Mountain: blud rage quit

Leehan 🖤: lmaoooooooo

Baby MC: your stealing intellectual property

Riwoo 🌟: *you're

Baby MC: stfu

Baby MC went offline

Giant Mountain: womp womp

Shoulders: blue's only response is womp womp

Giant Mountain went offline

Riwoo 🌟: if onedoor knew how chaotic we were

Leehan 🖤: they do

Shoulders: what door/funnextdoor is a perfect example

Riwoo 🌟: fair enough

Leehan 🖤: bye bye guys

Leehan 🖤 went offline

Shoulders: bye bye Riwoo!

Riwoo 🌟: cya

Shoulders went offline

Riwoo 🌟 went offline



Sorry for not updating yesterday, I hope you liked the chapter! I remade my desk, it's now boynextdoor themed! Would you like to see it? If so I'll add a picture next chapter, tysm for 600+ reads! That's insane!


-Jude out!


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