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Myeong Leader: @baby mc we're gonna remove you for a while

Baby MC: tf?

Myeong Leader removed Baby MC

Shoulders: You could've been kinder

Myeong Leader: wtv

WOORIWOO: ok so let's think

Giant Mountain: I say we get him a record player

Myeong Leader: are you saying that cause you genuinely think he'd like that or cause it would benefit you

Giant Mountain: what do you think dumbass?

Myeong Leader: that's not very nice >:(

WOORIWOO: you made Jaehyunie mad :(((

Giant Mountain: istg Leehan is the only one keeping me sane in this group

Leehan 🖤: I feel honoured

Giant Mountain: don't boast about it otherwise I'll block you

WOORIWOO: guys we're loosing focus

Shoulders: I agree

Myeong Leader: yes. Thank you.

Myeong Leader: easiest way to tell the hyung and maknae line apart

WOORIWOO: bahaha

Myeong Leader: for Woonhak's epic birthday party we have to plan out...

Shoulders: the gifts

WOORIWOO: the place

Giant Mountain: the time

Leehan 🖤: organisation

Myeong Leader: thank you guys, finally being cooperative

Shoulders: I was thinking we should get him the new cologne he never shuts up about

Myeong Leader: good idea

WOORIWOO: I was thinking we could go to a bowling alley, we haven't gone much, when we went to one for "with boynextdoor" it was many of you guys first time

Myeong Leader: wonderful

Giant Mountain: three hours should be good, so I say 2pm to 5pm or 5:30

Myeong Leader: perfect

Leehan 🖤: and we could go in this order: game 1, 2 -> gifts + cake -> rest of the games

Myeong Leader: ooh righttt the cake

Myeong Leader added "Our Lord and saviour"

WOORIWOO: who's that?

Myeong Leader: the reasons we're together

WOORIWOO: wait Zico??

Myeong Leader: yess we'll remove him afterwards

Our Lord and Saviour: why am I here?

Myeong Leader: we need someone in charge of Woonhak's cake for his bday

Our Lord And Saviour: get him something basic, chocolate with some frosting should be good for him

Myeong Leader: look at him, always the best ideas

Our Lord and saviour: should I leave now?

Our Lord and Saviour left

Myeong Leader: I didn't get time to answer 😭😭

Leehan 🖤: well we're alright now

Shoulders: his birthday is gonna be epic

Giant Mountain: indeed

WOORIWOO: I hope he'll be satisfied

Myeong Leader went offline

Leehan 🖤 went offline

Shoulders went offline

Giant Mountain went offline

WOORIWOO went offline



So so so so sorry for the lack of updates, you might think I have forgotten this story (and not because I have like 5 active stories currently) but I didn't, I just felt dissatisfied with it, I'm so grateful for all the reads and votes!

Also next chapter is probably going to be irl! Not sure tho

Also!!! Xdinary Heroes cb tomorrow!!!

-Jude out!


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