Real discussion

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Boynextdoor 🚪

Myeong Leader: enough with all the silliness guys, how do you feel about our trailer??

Shoulders: CHEESE

Myeong Leader: stfu

Shoulders: I- k

Baby MC: I honestly really love it

WOORIWOO: It's wonderful luv x

Leehan 🖤: oop Riwoo is in his British era

Myeong Leader: ENOUGH.


Awkward texting silence...


iant Mountain: I personally loved everything to come out of [How?] Era, I really loved the between who and why trailer

Shoulders: it was funny to record

WOORIWOO: It was kinda hard not to laugh while recording

Myeong Leader: yeah

Baby MC: I gotta say, our creative team really does deserve the creative title

Leehan 🖤: frrrr especially with the plushies

Myeong Leader: how do we feel about releasing an epic song in our trailer but never ever coming out just like why

Shoulders: ooh love that song

Baby MC: we should've released I told u

WOORIWOO: Nah but it had lyrics of but sometimes

Myeong Leader: bc it wasn't meant to be an actual song

Baby MC: Well still release it ffs

Leehan 🖤: ooh we're getting agressive, are we?

Baby MC: i- stfu

Giant Mountain: guys guys guys

Myeong Leader: ?

Giant Mountain: let's make this album as successful as possible!

Myeong Leader: yess!

WOORIWOO: Preach!!


Leehan 🖤: wooo

Shoulders: YUPP

Myeong Leader: can I be sentimental for a short while

WOORIWOO: aren't you always

Myeong Leader: I-

Baby MC: yes, you can

Shoulders: go ahead

Giant Mountain: let's hear it

Myeong Leader: I'm actually so happy I managed to debut with you guys, ever since our debut I feel much lighter, I genuinely don't know where I'd be if I didn't debut with you, I can't believe we're already having a second comeback<33

Baby MC: tearing up reading that

WOORIWOO: I'm so glad I could debut with you guys as well

Giant Mountain: wow

Leehan 🖤: ooh that's so- omg

WOORIWOO: I wasn't expecting something like that

Shoulders: I think we all are <33

Baby MC: tyy zico for putting us together

Myeong Leader: thank you guys for making me feel so welcomed and good about myself

Leehan 🖤:  it isn't a biggie

Myeong Leader: ily guys sm

Giant Mountain: mwah

Myeong Leader: 🤭🤭

Shoulders: you're a great leader Jaehyun yk?

Myeong Leader: you think?

WOORIWOO: definitely!!

Baby MC: couldn't have asked for a better leader

Leehan 🖤: yeah, we don't deserve you at all

Myeong Leader: aw I'm gonna cry stop

Giant Mountain: you would do that in any normal circumstances

Shoulders: ignore Taesan to keep the mood up


Baby MC: it's fine to cry

Myeong Leader: yeah

Shoulders: yupp people say it isn't manly but it's very brave ♥️

WOORIWOO: did Taesan die??

Giant Mountain: hope not xx

Baby MC: hopefully we get our third win with how? !!!

Myeong Leader: if we don't we know onedoor will love it


Leehan 🖤: yesss

Shoulders: proof 36146820201 that Myungjae is the best leader

Myeong Leader: nooo stoppppppp

WOORIWOO: why would he stop telling the truth

Myeong Leader: ahh guys stop it!!

Baby MC: never

Leehan 🖤 changed "Myeong Leader" to "Best Leader"

Giant Mountain: deserved title

Best Leader: no no no I can't accept this stop

WOORIWOO: but it's not lying...

Best Leader: brb crying

Best Leader went offline

Leehan 🖤: love u guys mwahh

Leehan 🖤 went offline

Baby MC: mwahh

Baby MC went offline

Giant Mountain went offline

Shoulders went offline

WOORIWOO went offline



Hope you liked this chapter! Since someone in my last chapter asked for a longer chapter I tried my best! Hope it's long enough!

-Jude out!


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