Trip (pt 3)

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Myeong Leader: I made a mistake, it's actually just 2 days

Riwoo 🌟: kinda late now? No?

Myeong Leader: wtv

Riwoo 🌟: it's still gonna be fun

Baby MC: exactly

Shoulders: yep

Giant Mountain: hot
attachment: 1 image

Fish prince: how did you get that

Riwoo 🌟: is that Leehan

Baby MC: who else would it be?

Shoulder: Stop complimenting Leehan on the gc, you can talk privately

Giant Mountain: it isn't as fun

Fish prince: ^^

Myeong Leader: wtv, guys, what did you think about yesterday, we have one day left on our trip

Shoulders: it was fun, I enjoyed spending time with u guys

Riwoo 🌟: It was nice, going on a trip was a good idea

Fish prince: we saw some fish it was nice

Baby MC: I didn't like it when I fell down

Giant Mountain: I found it hilarious when Woonhak fell

Riwoo 🌟: lmaoooo the opposing opinions

Baby MC: it wasn't funny >:[

Giant Mountain: it was lmao

Baby MC went offline

Myeong Leader: go and apologise Taesan

Giant Mountain: yes hyung

Giant Mountain went offline

Shoulders: I'm so glad I am not the leader

Myeong Leader: shush

Myeong Leader went offline

Riwoo 🌟: do you go offline first or me?

Fish prince: I'm still here

Shoulders: oh right

Riwoo 🌟: you guys can leave, I'll talk to myself so that the author can add filler to this short chapter

Fish prince: Riwoo-hyung, don't break the fourth wall

Riwoo 🌟: right, sorry, both to author and the readers

Shoulders: dude you're just making it worse, pretend it didn't happen

Riwoo 🌟 unsent a chat

Shoulders: perfect

Shoulders went offline

Fish prince went offline

Riwoo 🌟 went offline



Hopefully you liked this chapter, it's really short but I hope you don't mind. I have no more ideas lmao 😭

-Jude out!


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