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Jaehyun 🐶: I sometimes feel like shit, then I remember I existed at the same time as Jeon Jungkook

Fish prince: you're under the same company as him?

Riwoo 🌟: ...

Jaehyun 🐶: and Lee Sanghyeok

Riwoo 🌟: :)

Jaehyun 🐶: :)

Fish prince: awww they're so cute

😎: pack it up Gayballs

Sungho: again with the gayballs? That's the second time you've used it

😎: cause it's correct

Sungho: I'm not gay

😎: Jaehyun hyung, Riwoo hyung, Taesan hyung and Leehan hyung are

Jaehyun 🐶: dude wtf?

Riwoo 🌟: I am not gay

😎: Didn't you two fuck?


Giant Mountain: I won't deny or confirm those theories

Fish prince: me neither

Sungho: which ones?

Giant Mountain: both

Fish prince: You dumb?

Sungho: I-

😎: Jaehyun hyung do you know Jungkook knows you exist


Riwoo 🌟: you've killed him lmao

Jaehyun 🐶: a celebrity knows me

Riwoo 🌟: Xdinary Heroes's Gunil, Jungsu and did the but sometimes challenge, so they at least they know you kinda exist.

Jaehyun 🐶: are they celebrities?

Riwoo 🌟: well... Kinda?

Fish prince: and like there's many people who did the challenge w/ us

Jaehyun 🐶: you're right

😎 went offline

Riwoo 🌟: bye woonhakieeeeee

Jaehyun 🐶: bye bye

Sungho went offline

Giant Mountain went offline

Fish prince went offline

Jaehyun 🐶: hey Riwoo hyung come over to my dorm

Riwoo 🌟: why?

Jaehyun 🐶:  cause I wanna see you

Riwoo 🌟: we saw each other yesterday?

Jaehyun 🐶: but not together

Riwoo 🌟: fine, just for u

Jaehyun 🐶: yayyyy

Riwoo 🌟: cya

Riwoo 🌟 went offline

Jaehyun 🐶 went offline



This chapter is so short, I'm really sorry but I hope you like it! I think next chapter will include a bit of "irl" or not, I'm not sure
Alsoooo I got the lightstick!!

-Jude out!


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