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Myeong Leader: fellas, is it gay to go to sleep at 11pm

Shoulders: fellas, is it gay to play games on the ps4 at 6pm

Baby MC: fellas, is it gay to dance

Giant Mountain: fellas, is it gay to be under 5'5 (a/n: is that how you write it, I use the metric system so idk)

Fish prince: fellas, is it gay to like fish

Riwoo 🌟: fellas, is it gay to wear blue jeans

Myeong Leader: fellas, is it gay to have a gf

Shoulders: fellas, is it gay to work out

Baby MC: fellas, is it gay to be an mc

Giant Mountain: fellas, is it gay to go hiking

Fish prince: fellas, is it gay to like cats

Riwoo 🌟: fellas, is it gay to listen to music

Myeong Leader: fellas, is it gay to make music

Shoulders: fellas, is it gay to fanboy over someone

Baby MC: fellas, is it gay to drink Pepsi

Giant Mountain: fellas, is it gay to to prefer Pepsi over coke

Fish prince: fellas, is if gay to like history

Riwoo 🌟: fellas, is it gay to make spelling mistakes

Myeong Leader: fellas, is it gay to cry

Shoulders: fellas, is it gay to be interested in fashion

Baby MC: fellas, is it gay to wear glasses

Giant Mountain: fellas, is it gay to walk

Fish prince: fellas, is it gay to breath air

Riwoo 🌟: fellas, is it gay to have sex with your homie



Double update! Hopefully you liked this chapter!

-Jude out!


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