Keys To Another Realm

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"Don't let go, kid...please..."

"I...I'm so sorry..."


"Guess my story's over..."

"Purple, no! Please!"

Purple used his free hand to spawn an energy blast, and as more people failed to fight the portal's grasp, he pushed King completely out of the blast range and let the portal grab hold of him.


The scene replayed over and over, an uncomfortable cloud of air over everyone who remained on the roof of Navy's oceanic base.

Just a little while ago, King and Purple had been reunited, Purple's memories had been restored, and it seemed that everything would go back to normal.

And then Navy opened the portal to the Great Above and everything went to shit.

And just like that, Purple, Willow, Sunny, and potentially numerous others, had been lost to another dimension.

And what remained of King's team was left to reflect on what had just transpired.

Reflect on what had just transpired in an eerie silence nobody felt like trying to break for a while.

They were all frozen, trapped in some type of capsule that just kept replaying the loss of their friends over and over and over again.

" anyone going to talk about...what just happened?" Green asked slowly, finally changing the atmosphere.

The remaining kids stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"Uhm, can we? After we just lost some of our most powerful allies to another realm?" Red answered, equally slow, still shaking and terrified.

Chosen cast glances at everyone, taking in how badly shaken everyone was.

Mostly everyone was injured in some way, shaking and trembling, and barely registering who they had just lost and what had just happened.

"Okay, so, stating the obvious, we've lost Purple and god knows how many more allies. Second of all, THEY ARE IN ANOTHER GODDAMN DIMENSION WHICH WE'LL NEVER FIGURE OUT HOW IT GOT OPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Dark shouted.

"Navy must've been working on this completely under our noses. Hell, I doubt Purple had any knowledge of another realm being crafted," King said. "These guys must have a crap ton more plans that we haven't the slightest clue of."

" bad would that be?" Chosen asked, having a vague idea on how bad this entire situation was, should it get even worse.

"Knowing that these plans could bring about the end of the world, and multiple other dimensions, this could get messy."

A few hours go by, and during that time, the gang travels back to ALANSPC, a more comfortable environment for all of them, and for help.

Alan may not have been aware that dimensional travel was a thing, but he was still happy to help in any way that he could.

First thing they had to do was, of course, brainstorm ideas to get in.

Chsoen and King had theorized that a large wave of energy was behind the portal opening, not like that made any sense.

The portal had just straight opened particularly out of nowhere from what most of them remembered, mainly since nobody was really paying much attention to Navy and the others anyways.

The last thing Second had noticed was a crash, and then it all blurred into a portal and the subsequent events that followed.

"So Navy must've been sneaking around and working on something while we were all focused on Purple." King said to himself.

"Sunny must've seen something! She didn't seem to focused on us!" Second exclaimed.

"She wasn't even there by time we got out of the cages and regrouped." Chosen deadpanned.

"And now she's in another realm with Willow, so even if she had survived the portal, she still wouldn't help us to begin with unless we had Willow." King added.

"So then...why don't some of us explore the base ourselves? Red was being dragged through the whole thing, so he might have vague memories of how it looks!" Green suggested.

"To be fair, I wasn't dragged," Red said, glaring at Green. "And second, I didn't go through the whole place. We were making sure we didn't get caught."

"And then you did?"


"But still. You should have an idea of it, right?" Yellow asked.

"Well, yes, I do remember most of the layout, since most of the floors were insanely similar and were practically copies of one another."

"Then it's settled. We'll head back to the base, figure out what opened up that portal, and probably break a crap ton of inter-dimensional laws trying to rescue a bunch of people." Yellow decided.

"Let's just see if we end up in a completely different prison in another universe." Blue deadpanned.

"Oh, shut up, netherwart addict," Yellow grumbled. "Have faith."

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