Unspoken Truths

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"What exactly is this supposed to do?" Purple asked as they rode through the forest.

"Simple. We're all gonna bust in and kick ass." Green deadpanned.

"Exactly why Sunny and Purple are here," Second said. "You don't realize how un-thought out that plan is, do you?"

"That's what we all can really do right now, so why think it through?"

"Purple will go into the library and research as much as he can, while we all figure out a DECENT, well thought out plan," Sunny said. "Agreed?"


Green glared at her. "My plan was better."

"Your plan was suicide."


The others stared at him, before readying themselves to jump out.

Purple took the first shot, jumping out of the truck and running out of sight.

The others waited until Purple was long gone before jumping out of the truck.

"Okay, let's get rid of these fuckers once and for all."

Purple had gotten used to being confined in places for long periods of time, so breaking into the castle was as easy as the breakout with Dark he had led just a few months prior.

If not easier.

Jumping through the library window, Purple quickly scanned for anyone that could pose a threat and ran into an aisle.

He'd kept himself busy during the time waiting for a rescue by spending most of his time in the library, reading books on the history of the other realm he'd been stuck in, among other things he found to catch his interest.

He'd read most of the books in the library, except for a few that had caught his interest, but hadn't been able to read following his reunion with Willow, and everything else that had gone down recently.

Now was his chance, since they seemed very suspicious.

Something glowed around it, and he wanted to know what was inside.

Grabbing the first book, something opened it, causing a burst of light and a memory to appear.

"What the hell?"

Memories flashed by in a blur, but Purple was quickly able to distinguish many of them.

Moments from the past battles him and his allies had been in with Navy.


"I won't stop fighting you until you free Purple from whatever you've put him under!"

"Why do you care so much about some dumb stick, anyway? He's a worthless piece of trash!"

"Because, unlike you, I actually love him for who he is. Just cause he can't fight, or sought comfort in people, or cried because you hurt him doesn't mean he's worthless. It means that he didn't have the love and care that he deserved! You pushed him to the point he was at when I finally met him! He was, and is, just a kid! It's not his fault you abandoned him and your wife. It's your own, so I see no point in you wanting to come back into Purple's life when he has me, and Green, and everyone else down there to love and care for him!"

"He could've just fought harder!"

"I'm sorry, Purple..."

"For what?"

"I ignored finding family after I lost my son and fell into a blind rage. I completely overlooked what I found along the way."

"What...what do you mean?"

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