The Battle Begins

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"Yellow, what the hell were you thinking?!" Blue shouted. "You should've known she couldn't be trusted!"

"I know she can't be trusted!" Yellow snapped back.

"Then why the hell are we here?!"

"Because she could have one of our friends! Hell, Purple could be here!"

"Why would he be here?!" Blue shouted, clearly ticked off about being a prisoner.

"Because this is the Great Above we've been trying to get into the entire time, and we're right in the crossfire of what's probably gonna become a war within the next few days."

Blue stared at him.

"And I think Amber's got a few secrets we need to uncover." Yellow finished, staring at the door to the bedroom they'd been trapped in for the past couple of hours.

"You think she'd really hurt us?"

"I won't hurt you. I just want you to come with me. I have someone you might want to see."

"She may have promised, but that doesn't mean anything. She could still hurt us for the sake of Navy's plan." Yellow said, taking her statement into consideration.

"Who would she want us to see, then?" Blue asked.

Yellow thought for a moment, and would've voiced his opinion if the vent above him hadn't been broken open and something fell on top of him.

Blue jumped back. "Sweet Jesus!"

Yellow groaned, rubbing his head. "What the hell just happened-"

"This castle really is full of surprises for me, isn't it, Navy?" Someone grumbled to themself, and Yellow recognized the voice instantly.


"Oh, hi Yellow. Sorry for...crashing into you, I guess."

"Purple!" Blue tackled the stick into a hug. "We missed you! We were so worried! What the hell is happening?!"

Yellow smiled, but shared Blue's questions. "What is going on? Surely you must know something." He said.

"Sunny's attempting to declare war on Navy. He doesn't have a clue what's going on, so if it's going to happen, we've gotta get back to the refugee camp Sunny apparently has."

"So we're practically at war right now?" Yellow summarized.

"Exactly what Purple just said, my dear lookalike."

Sunny stared at the group through the window, a smirk on her face. "Willow's gonna meet us at the refugee camp as soon as she can, so let's get out of here while we still can. Once we can contact the others, we will."

The trio gave each other looks of curiosity, but Purple was sick of being in the vicinity of the people who had given him so many different problems, and Blue and Yellow were desperate to get out of the castle.

So they followed her out the window and into the forests surrounding the castle.

Willow jumped back into the vents as soon as she heard Sunny and the others escape the castle. She had intended to find Purple and get out with them, but she had to take Amber with.

Amber looked as if she had a connection to King and Gold, and said she did, so taking her with meant figuring out if she was actually related to either one of them, or Night Shade had told her to say so to throw them off.

Maybe Purple was right. She was definitely giving signs that Purple's theory had been correct.

"Your not King."

"King? How do you know him?" He asked.

"My husband..."

Willow and Purple both stared at her in shock.

"Your King's...wife?" Willow asked.


Purple stared at her. " should know Gold, right? Your son?"

The woman blinked.


Another blink.

Willow stared at her for another moment. " you know your name?"


Willow and Purple shared at each other again. Amber seemed to be giving them some of the most robotic, programmed responses that had come out of someone Willow knew.

It was very weird, to say the least.

Amber blinked at them again, analyzing the duo's faces.

Willow turned to Purple. "Run."


"She must think we're threats. Your probably right, Purp. She might've been brainwashed by Navy into attacking us. And if she's related to King and knows how close the two of you are, she's going to want to get rid of you. She'll think your competition, and if we're going to defeat these guys, God are we gonna need you!"

"Nice to know my talents are appreciated in dire situations," Purple grumbled, jumping up into the rafters. "Where to?"



"God, are we gonna need Purple if I'm proven wrong." She muttered to herself.

Something suddenly exploded behind her, and before she knew it, the floor below her was collapsing.

She screamed, falling into the capsule Amber originally was in.

"Got him." A voice said.

Willow looked around her, wondering what the hell just happened.

A blue stick figure standing above her told her what happened.

"Your a smart kid, Purple. But I'm sure you don't really think impersonating Agent Fernando's little sister was going to get you out alive."

"I'm not Purple, you brainless bastard!"

"Nice try, kid."

Something smacked her upside the head, and everything went black.

Upon escaping the castle, the kids collapsed onto the forest floor in relief.

"Happy to be free, Purple?" Blue asked.

"I could've escaped when I had the chance, but until I learned Sunny has a refugee camp, I had nowhere to go until there was some way for us to open a portal."

"Speaking of which, let's get to the refugee camp now so we can rendezvous with Willow at the half-way point between the camp and the kingdom and get this war going." Sunny said.

"Why would we start a war?" Blue asked.

"He makes a good point." Yellow added.

"It'll distract Navy's army and leave them all unprotected, and give us a chance to kill those three off because they won't have anyone to protect them," Purple explained. "So as long as things go in our favor, I'll be able to hopefully kill those three off and we won't have to worry about anyone anymore."

"For now. Until suddenly, they resurrect themselves from the afterlife." Yellow deadpanned.

"I doubt they're that smart." Sunny said.

"Don't tempt them. It could be possible." Purple replied.

By the time they had returned, it was nearing sunrise, but Sunny didn't care. One of her advisors approached her.

"General Sunny, you've returned." They said.

"Woah, your a general now?" Purple asked.

"Yes," She said, before turning back to the stick. "Awake all the soldiers, and send them to the halfway point between here and the Rose Castle. Willow is going to meet us there and take over as the army commander, and lead us to war. The war begins now."

The Great Above: Father & Son 7Where stories live. Discover now