Battle For The Refugees

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Night Shade cut the reunion short within seconds, blasting another energy ball at King and the others.

Chosen and Dark countered it before jumping up to attack him.

Purple quickly joined the battle, and the trio overpowered Night Shade before too long.

Sunny went to check on the others.

"Is everyone alright?"

"Lot better off then we expected." Second commented.

"Well, we're alive, at least."

"Navy brainwashed Willow, so we're all not really alive, per say." Second said.

Sunny blinked. "What?!"

"Navy must've thought I impersonated Willow to escape the castle, and brainwashed her," Purple explained. "Meaning if we're going to win, we're gonna have to rescue her."

"Fair argument." Blue said.

"How would we get in, though? It was a bitch for me to get in, and an even bigger bitch to get the four of us out," Sunny explained. "With a war going on now, how would we get in undetected and unharmed?"

"We could let Night Shade capture a group of us," Gold suggested. "After all, he's already kidnapping a good portion of what's left of your allies."


Night Shade again attacked the group, something none of them saw coming.


"Is he alive?!"

"King, relax, I'm sure he's fine."

"He's breathing. We're all still alive."

Why was everything so muffled?

"Purple, wake up!"


"Come on, little flower, wake up!"


Oh right. King and the others had shown up to rescue them.

"Little flower..."

Who the hell was that?

"I'm King's little flower, not you."

Was that...



Something had shot Purple awake, gasping for air.

"Sweet Jesus, you alright?" Copper asked.

"Yeah...I guess.."

"See, King? We're all still alive." Blue reassured.

"Still, a crap ton of refugee's just got kidnapped. Meaning we have a lesser amount of people to help us." Red explained.

Green had already given chase, jumping into a still parked truck. "We're getting these guys back. If we die, we die with honor and dignity."

Purple sighed. "Green, whatever the hell you have gone through since I got thrown here, it's apparent you have lost your mind."

"Nah, it's just me thinking of a decent plan to defeat Navy and his cohorts. Now, who's with me?"

The others stared at each other for a moment before deciding on a plan.

"The Color Gang, Purple, and Sunny will chase them down."

"Figures." Blue grumbled.

"Lemme guess," Red added. "We're along for the ride while Second and Purple drive themselves into danger for our sake."



"They have powers! And Purple is clearly the strongest between all of us!"

"Which will lead to our downfall! If Navy gets his hands on him-"

"Guys, go with Sunny's plan," Purple interrupted. "She knows what I'm doing, and I know how to deal with them. Night Shade is the weakness, and the sooner we get rid of him, the easier the others will be to take care of. Let's go with what she has and go from there afterwards."

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