Family Ties

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Sunny paced around her tent, trying to figure out how the events of the past few days had drastically steered away from the plans she had made in her head.

All they were supposed to do was beat Navy's army in a battle, escape the Great Above, and figure out a way to keep them out of their world.

Needless to say, she was not expecting two extras to arrive.

"Okay, so here's what we'll do," Sunny explained, staring at the three stowaway teenagers that she had with her. "We're going to win this war, find the others, and then escape with King and the others."

"And Navy?" Yellow asked.

"We leave them behind," Sunny said. "Dead or alive, they stay here."

"Got it."

"How could the others get in, though?" Blue asked.

"Willow could still be in the castle," Purple explained. "She might be able to get them here, one way or another."

"Purple makes a point. They figured out how to get into the base last time, given we were being shot at after screaming at each other, but we still got in, so they could get into the Great Above themselves."

"You sound so unworried about your friends." Sunny noted.

"We're not stupid. All of us are smart in our own way, so we should be able to get past these guys in no time."

Second had underestimated why Willow was so calm as they entered the other dimension.

Because as soon as all of them had regrouped in the basement-looking room, she attacked and separated them.

Second and the others were tied up with vines and tossed to another side of the room, while Willow focused on King and Gold.

"Okay, Willow? I don't know what the hell your doing attacking us, but your acting like your working with the enemy, and we just went through something so similar, and we can't go through that again."

Willow said nothing. Amber took the reins.

"You two will be coming with us." She said robotically.

Gold blinked. "What?"

Second spoke up. "Just go with her. It'll do all of us some good if we comply with these guys. Remember, we're here for Blue, Yellow, and Purple if we're lucky. So just work with them and we'll all get out of this mess alive."

Gold stared at them, then at his father. "Okay. We'll go with you."

Willow smirked, dismissing them away, before turning her attention back to the remaining teenagers.

"Showtime." She said.

Gold flinched as Amber slammed the door.

"Okay, psycho, who the hell are you and why did you attack us?" King snapped. "Where's Purple?!"

"Gosh, King, I wish I knew where your old son went." Amber said with fake sweetness.

Gold snarled. "Don't talk about Purple like that, woman!"

"Hey, be glad she's not calling him worthless. Then she's asking for it." King said, placing an arm between Amber and Gold.

"Fair argument. But still, where's Purple?!"

"Why would you ask about some nobody to this family, son?" Amber asked.

Gold blinked, almost losing his balance. "What?!"

"Your not Gold's mother," King snarled.

"You don't remember me?"

"Gold's mother died in childbirth," King continued. "She's been dead his entire life, and your living and breathing."

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