Yellow Team

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Red forgot there was a drop into the Monster School the second you left the portal.

Because he had not been anticipating the fall through the roof at all.

To be fair, neither had Copper, so when he entered through the other side, he had panicked seeing Red fall through the roof of a building.

"Relax, Copper," Red said after they had gotten readjusted upon falling through the roof into a storage room. "I've gone through this before. It's fine."

"Well, I wasn't expecting to be thrown into a roof." Copper deadpanned.

"Shut up and let's get this over with," Red snapped. "I'd like to not stay here forever."

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE ENDERMAN?!" A voice bellowed from down the hall.

Red and Copper jumped, with Copper crashing into a chest.


Red pushed them into a darker corner when footsteps came, hoping they wouldn't be caught.

"Why are we hiding?!" Copper whispered. "We have to get rid of them!"

"Shut up! Your gonna get us caught!"

"So? Let them catch us! We'll just fight them off!" Copper moved towards the door.

"Copper, wait!"

Copper had snatched his sword already and was out the door.

"God damn it, Copper!" Red snarled to himself. "How does Gold deal with you?!"

Red grabbed a bow from his inventory and ran after him. Tracing his footsteps from the last time he was here(and wasn't being teleported around by Herobrine), he was able to locate the exit and avoid any students.

That wouldn't have been pleasant. Given his past experiences at Monster School.

"Come on, Copper. Running blindly into danger was a horrible idea, especially in this area.

Chasing Copper up the mountain, he noticed what was going on.

Red's former teammates, Endie, Skellington, and Spidey were on top of the mountain, surrounded by mobs.

And they weren't classmate level mobs.

These were overworld mobs that spawned in the night.

"Shit." Red clutched his crossbow in his hand, reaching for an arrow.

Copper beat him to an attack.

"Copper!" Red shouted, getting the mobs attention.

Copper had already jumped for a creeper, and Red sighed angrily.

"Yep. Don't wait for a plan, just jump in blindly. Smart move." Red grumbled. "Did this guy not learn from Purple to not move into a literal war zone unless there was a plan?!"

Red grabbed an arrow from his inventory, and aimed for the skeleton attacking Spidey. Firing it, he shouted for the students to duck and the arrow hit the skeleton with ease.

"Copper! Grab the kids and run!" Red shouted, leading the offending mobs away from the kids.

The creeper threatened to explode, but Red shot it with another arrow, killing it.

Red would've gone back for the loot if he wasn't being chased by zombies.

"Jesus, these guys should be burning by now!" Red muttered to himself, only then realizing they were wearing helmets.


Copper grabbed his arm, sending him flying into the sky.

Spidey was string-shotting them to the roof of the school.

"Filled these guys in on what was going on. I doubt they completely trust King, given he did beat the crap out of their teacher and then straight up murdered them. But Purple did let himself die for their sake, and yours, so they're in.

Red smiled. "Thanks, Copper."


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