Reinforcements in The Form of Music

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"Remind me how it's possible for FLYING AND SINGING ANIMALS TO BE REINFORCEMENTS FOR A WAR!" Scarlet shouted once she realized what most of the world was.

Green had gotten stuck with her at King's request, much to his dismay, but he begrudgingly agreed, since Blue and Yellow were already gone, and Red was dealing with the impulsive Copper.

And heaven knew how King and Gold were faring. Only keeping Scarlet in the Nether would've been a massive pain for them all.

He grumbled to himself. "It doesn't have to be the damn animals! It can be anyone! Hell, Willow or Sunny could be around here somewhere! Purple could've escaped and ended up here to avoid being traced!"

"Why would he be here?!" Scarlet snapped.

"Simple. He knows this place, probably better than I do. How else do you think he ended up on our side during our battle with King?" Green said.

"I don't want you to be good or bad. I want you to be Purple. We love you just the way you are."

The memory of them being on the mountaintop together made him smile.

He was only trying to make people proud of him. That was all he wanted.

And if it took an argument through note blocks for them to get on the same page, that's what it would be.

"But remember the mission. Find anyone willing to help, and we'll take them with us. I'm sure the others have something by now.

By the time the duo had gotten past the singing villagers(which Green had almost zero interest in working with at that moment), they were barely through the desert towards the mountaintop, and Green was losing his motivation.

Suddenly, Scarlet stopped him. "Hey, those guys look familiar?" She pointed to the kids walking in front of them.

Green stared at them for a moment, trying to remind himself of the stick figure's colors.

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to him.

As soon as he got the skates on and he sped towards the rink, one kid and his friend grabbed two cups(which King knew weren't supposed to be on the rink), and dumped it's contents all over Purple.

Another kid skated up to him and pushed him to the ground.

Well, shit.

"Sorry you can't cry to your mommy anymore!" They said, his voice sounded oddly familiar somehow. "You'll just have to cry to your daddy instead!"

The mention of Purple's so-called "dad" made his blood boil.

"Oh wait, can't do that either, you crybaby loser!"

"HEY! MOCHA!" Green screamed, his voice seething with rage. Mocha turned to Green and was met with the floor as Green slapped him so hard he lost his balance and fell flat on the ground.

The kids not with Mocha immediately started laughing.

Gold took his chance and helped Green get Purple off the rink, while King sped off the rink and raced towards Purple.

Man, was it really that bad?

Purple was still sobbing when Green and Gold got him off the rink, and the others were at his side in seconds, asking what happened.

King joined them straight afterwards.

"Purple! Purple, what happened?!" He asked frantically, becoming really unsure of what to do. Mocha was being guided off the rink, and Ming instantly remembered who he and his friends were.

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