Farming For Allies

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Blue nearly fell through the portal, collapsing on the ground next to Yellow.

"Well, that was fun," He grumbled, remembering the familiar feeling from last time they were there. "Let's hope this battle is so much easier."

"Depending on if we can get the family to work with us," Yellow said, taking out the command block. "They might've helped us last time, but that was because the titan ravager wanted revenge for what King did to his family."

Blue stared at the block in his friend's hands. "Fair argument. But still, they might want to help us. King revived his family, so maybe the ravager forgave him?"

Yellow stared at him. "Doubtful. If anything, the ravager will rip him to shreds in a second. But, let's try it. If we can get them to work with us, we'll take them back to the Nether, get them to the Great Above, and rescue Purple with him. Got it?"

"Got it!"

Fortunately, the villagers were more than willing to help them get the ravager family on their side. Upon the revelation that the ravagers were just a hungry family, the villagers had hired it as their protector, and it had served them well after the Nether Battle.

And it was an amazing asset to Blue and Yellow's team when they needed him, and his family was also exceptionally strong as well, so they had triple the advantage when it came to a war.

"You think these guys will actually help?" Yellow asked.

"I'm sure. We may not be able to talk to mobs and tame them into helping us like Red, but they've helped us before, and Purple's our friend! If anything, they'll help because our friend is in danger!"

Yellow stared at Blue with skepticism. He could tell the memory of losing Purple again still burned fresh in his mind.

King and the others glanced to the side of their high-suspended cage, noticing another one, with a few familiar faces.

"Dark?! You're alive?!" Chosen exclaimed.

"Should be asking you the same thing." Purple deadpanned.

"Are you guys okay?" King asked.

"Would be if Willow's traitor brother didn't kidnap us and throw Purple into a wall." Second muttered.

"That makes two of us, kid."

"Got you guys off guard, didn't he?"

"He kept acting all paranoid, and once we confronted him about it, he changed demeanor entirely and attacked us." Gold explained.

"He used drones on us, too!" Blue added.

"There has to be a way to stop him, without dying." Willow said. "So long as Night Shade's alive..."

"They're unstoppable." Purple finished for her.

King glanced at him. "How did you know that?"

"Navy trapped us in a void, and I figured it out myself."

"Told you he was a smart kid." King looked at Red.

"I'm aware."

"CHOSEN, LOOK OUT!" Dark screamed suddenly.

As the others looked up, something collided with the chain holding King's cage up in the air, sending it falling to the ground.

"Shit! Willow!" Sunny screamed.

"Oh, don't worry. You'll join them soon enough." A voice said.

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