Emery Curran is one of a long bloodline of lycans, she was an alphas daughter. Her world changed after one night. And it would never be the same again.
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They hadn't buried me completely, just enough where I was covered.
I had lifted my head enough where I hoped it was visible as I struggled with the knots. From now on I was taking gym training serious. My wolf may have strength but I certainly don't.
My hands were behind my back, numb from the position they were in.
I was sure Jace would come looking for me at some point. My mouth was so dry from that sock being in there and I couldn't shove it out or move it.
My feet were useful at getting most of the dirt off of my torso.
I heard a class bell ring and let out a breath. Any minute now Jace would come looking for me.
I had heard four class bells rang and each of our classes lasted an hour.
I didn't exactly want to think about it. I felt a bit useless for not being able to get myself out of this mess.
"Hey what's that?" I heard a voice say as footsteps approached.
"Oh my god! Go get the headmaster!" A girl yelled as the footsteps got closer.
I could hear the panic in their voices as they stood around me gasping afraid to touch me.
I wanted to die of embarrassment. Why couldn't they just take this stupid bag off my head so I can go lay down for awhile?!
I heard his heartbeat approaching along with his smell, and my heartbeat became faster as he approached.
"All of you go back to class!" He ordered, they all scattered.
"She's most certainly not dead." An older voice said.
"I'm aware." Alpha Orion spoke.
He jumped inside the hole with me and grabbed my shoulders pulling me upright.
Then he ripped the bag off my head.
My eyes welled up, this couldn't be more embarrassing than when the other kids were here. Instead it was my mate who already thought I was useless.
He lifted my chin as I squeezed my eyes shut.
Then he reached for the sock in my mouth and pulled it out for me.
I let out little whimpers as he turned to the other older man.
"Go get me some water, and a hot towel." Alpha Orion barked.
The old man gave a nod and began to speed walk away as I cried.
I wanted so badly to cover my face and not let him see me.
He gently lifted my face again.
"It's alright. You're okay now." He sighed.
I didn't feel safe. I felt embarrassed and like a mouse caught in a cats claws.
When I opened my eyes to face him he looked concerned and gave a sigh before picking me up and sitting me on the edge of the hole.
He then untied my bare feet, and jumped up to the edge beside me.
He then gently untied my hands, not saying a word.
As soon as they were free I could feel the ache in my elbows and shoulders from being pressed down under my body weight, and reached to dry my eyes with my dirty hands.
I'm sure I looked atrocious.
When the old man came back he handed me the glass of water and I took it gladly scarfing it down quickly.
"Emery." Alpha Orion said my name and I looked over at him as the old man went to get another glass for me.
He caught my chin and began to wipe my face, getting rid of the dirt.
I continued to cry silently until I smelt Jace.
"Who did it Emery." Jace growled grabbing my arms and shaking me a bit.
"I don't know." I whimpered. I wasn't willing to talk about it infront of Alpha Orion.
He sat quietly as Jace grit his teeth.
"You're lying." Jace said matter of factly.
"No im not." I sighed wiping away my tears.
"Hey! Are you gonna do something about this?!" Jace yelled at Alpha Orion.
"She doesn't need your help right now student. Go back to class. I'll make sure everything is taken care of." He answered his voice calm but cold.
Jace let out a hiss and grabbed my hand kissing it.
"Say the words, they'll be dead." He said before leaving.
I hoped he wouldn't tell dad or Eli. I didn't want them to worry.
"Why didn't you tell him to kill them?" Alpha Orion asked.
"Because I didn't want him to get kicked out and leave me alone here." I answered as he resumed wiping away the dirt.
He let out a quick chuckle, low in his chest.
"I will need names." He said.
"I only have one. That girl you got to show me around the other day. I recognized her voice." I sighed.
"Alright." He said. We stayed silent most of the time him occasionally asking about the bruises on my legs.
I told him that I wriggled my way down the stairs when I was tied up.
"Could you estimate how many people there were?" He asked.
"Maybe four? It was hard to hear them because of the wind. But I absolutely know two." I sighed.
He gave a nod as he reached my thighs, and gently began to wipe them down.
"I'll take you to your dorm when you're finished, just to make sure they aren't lurking around." He said.
I gave a nod, a shiver going down my spine when he got to my inner thigh.
I grabbed his wrist and told him I'd shower the rest off.
I watched his eyes become lustful but he quickly gave a nod closing them.
He helped me up and let me lean on him as we walked. My werewolf healing was slower than others which I'm sure is why he asked about my bruises.
When we got upstairs my bedroom door was cracked and he slung it open to reveal Jace sitting on the couch with my clothes ready along with towels.
I let out a sigh of relief as Jace stood up and walked over offering me his strong arm to hold instead of Alpha Orion's.
I gave a nod and switched over to Jace.
"The waters boiling, the way you like it. I have muscle relaxing bath salts in there. Go clean up I'll be here when you get out." Jace said as Alpha Orion closed the door and made himself comfortable on my couch.
I gave Jace a look with raised eyebrows telling him I didn't know why.
"You need help taking your clothes off?" Jace asked once we reached the bathroom door.
This idiot was determined to get kicked out.
I glared at him shoving him backwards out of the bathroom and slammed the door.