x. it's about last night

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♪ - she knows; j.cole
"i know she knows, and i know she knows."  


The last thing I remember was being at Buck's bar, yet somehow I ended up in my bed, being swallowed by the comforter.

"It's almost ten o' clock. I'm waking him up."


I hear their whispers from outside the door, and they aren't as quiet as they think.

"Let him sleep Darry, he ain't got work today and he's one hundred percent hungover, it's not like he'll be leaving the house..."

"Fine." I could practically hear Darry stubbornly stalk off.

"Anywho, I can't believe Steve sat beside the bed all night and monitored him. That very much ain't a 'Steve' thing to do." Ponyboy chuckles, as he puts emphasize on Steve's name.


He what?

"Don't get in their business, kid. Steve will bash the side of your head in if you go around spreading that."


Whats he doin' here?

"I'm just saying!" Ponyboy hollers, walking away from the door. All of these mixed up noises makes me feel like there's a hammer banging head on into my temple.

I hear multiple soft knocks against my door, and I groan, just wanting a moment of silence.

"I'm not dumb. I'm sure you woke up from all that talk." Dalla's pushes the door open.

"I did. I've sure got a prying brother." I shake my head, before burying it away in the pillow to avoid the shining sun through the window.

"Brought you some painkillers. Awake or not, I was going to burst in and set them down here for ya. I know how hangovers are the first time."

I lift my head up and take the pills in my hand. I immediately swallow them down with the glass of water beside my nightstand. "Thanks Dal."

"No problem."

The room settles with an awkward silence, until he speaks again, this time lighting a cancer stick that had been in his jacket pocket.

"I got to talk to you man." He rubs his hands anxiously across his jeans, and I suddenly am awake. "It's about Steve and you." He adds.

I cringe at the words, "I'm not sure I want to know if it's about last night."

He sighs, and his knee bounces on the wooden flooring.

"Evie saw you both." He mutters, and with his exhale of the smoke, the surrounding air begins to stink like his weed.

My eyes widen.

He passes over an extra, lit cigarette. "Ya' might want that."

"Dalla's, what the fuck is going on?" He looks up at me with a deep breath, before taking another hit from his stick.

Then, he starts. "Listen..."

𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 ⌞ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐩 ⌝Where stories live. Discover now