First Day On The Job

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When Leon arrived at that petrol station, he did not expect to find it overrun by zombies. It was almost impossible to believe. Almost. But he had seen it with his own eyes and he had to get out of there as quickly as possible. So, he ran, dodging zombies and falling shelves.

As he pulled open the station door, a woman was stood there in a red, leather jacket, looking panicked as she shot her hands in the air.

"Don't shoot!"



Claire had been grateful for the man blowing off the head of the zombie that had been about to attack her, but she had more pressing things to say to him.

"This place is overrun by those zombies. We gotta go!" She had shouted, not expecting him to run for the police car in an instant. "Hey, wait!"

He had turned to her in panic, looking at her as if she was mad.

"Please, there's an unconscious woman right there!" Clair pointed to just near her motorcycle, which zombies where beginning to swarm towards. "We can't leave her..."

Leon, nodding in understanding, ordered Claire to get into the police car before running over to the woman and picking her up bridal style. The woman did not respond in any way. He hurried back to the car and put the (h/c) woman in the back before rushing to get in the drivers seat.


"I'm trying!" He had shouted in frustration as he slammed his foot on the pedal.

As the car sped off, the girl in the back rolled forward, falling off the backseat.

"Shit." Claire muttered, waiting until the car was at a steady pace before she unbuckled her seatbelt and leant over to look at the girl.


"She's waking up." Claire spoke softly, relief flooding her as she reached over to grab the woman's arm. "Hey, are you-?"

"Ow, what the fuck?" The woman's voice was hoarse and she let out a shout as her body was thrown against something when the car went over a bump.

"Are you okay?" Leon finished for Claire, looking in the rear view mirror and seeing the girl push herself up on to the seats, back hitting the leather harshly.

"Where the hell am I?" She peeled her eyes open, looking out of the window before anything else.

"Hey, it's okay." Claire smiled kindly, trying to get her attention as Leon began to slow down a bit. "We found you outside of the petrol station. Where you travelling somewhere?"

"What?" She groaned and turned to look at the two in the front of the car, eyes widening as she froze in shock, mouth parting slightly.

"Are you alright?" Leon asked again, finding her reaction strange.

"What- what the- I- you- you two are-..." Nausea hit the woman and she was sure she was going to throw up from fear.

"We are?" Claire's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the girl in worry.

"Am I dreaming?" She whispered to nobody in particular.

"Those things are pretty unbelievable, but I'm afraid not." Leon sighed, feeling sorry for the young woman. "I'm Leon Kennedy. You two are?"

"I'm Claire. Claire Redfield." Claire sat so she could easily speak to both Leon and the girl. "Hey, it's alright, we won't hurt you. What's your name?"

"Erm..." She wasn't sure whether to lie or not, so settled on just her first name. "It's Y/N."

"No last name?" Leon joked, earning a laugh from Claire.

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now