Mother Nature

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"She said you could stop all this."

"Go to sleep, Sherry."


Y/N had been unnerved by Sherry's words. Claire thought she was capable of stopping all this, but why?

"You alright?" Leon asked softly, putting a hand on her shoulder as he sat down beside her.


"I'm sure Claire was just trying to say something to make Sherry feel better."


"Here, read her letter. It was addressed to just you."

She took it from him and began to read through it.


There's something I need to get from the police station, I'll meet you all at the lab. I'm happy to hear you're healing up, though it's a little strange. You're almost like a super human of sorts. I might be late to that joke, Leon seems like the type to come up with something like that.

I know you'll keep Sherry safe for me. I saw a woman in the garbage room too. She looks like she'll help protect Sherry.

When we're out of here I need to talk to you about something. It's important but going to take awhile.

Stay safe.



When the cable car arrived at NEST, Y/N was quick to pick Sherry up. Leon and Ada followed her to the security room and watched as she placed Sherry down on the bed. Y/N took Leon's jacket off and lay that over Sherry in order to give her more warmth.

"Will you watch over her for us?" Y/N turned to Ada who nodded. "Thank you. We'll be as quick as possible."


"Ugh, fuck."

Y/N pulled the level two chip from the wrist of the zombie in the nap room and slipped it inside the band on her wrist.

"I can wear it if you want." Leon offered, almost laughing at the disgusted look on her face.

"Be my guest." She handed it over to him and he put it on.

The two made their way back through the reception area, heading to the main shaft now they had the correct ID chip.

"The g-virus sample is in the west area, we'll have to go to the east area first."

Y/N headed to the control panel and pressed the button, the bridge opening so they could pass over it. She grabbed Leon's hand and guided him to the east area. They made their way into the lobby and looked around. Y/N grabbed the herb and crushed it up while Leon grabbed some gunpowder.

The two further explored the east area, soon finding themselves on the lower floor. Y/N looked around nervously as they entered the lounge.

"Let's sort the zombies out first." She said softly, pulling her knife from her waist.

The two stabbed through the zombies necks and heads in order to prevent them from getting up again. Then, they made there way down the corridor. Y/N was quick to put her arm out and stop Leon from walking forward. She pointed at his shotgun as she got the grenade launcher from her back. She took one more step forward and a licker fell from the ceiling, hissing as it tried to listen for them. Then, a second licker dropped down, screeching angrily. Y/N pushed Leon out of the way, taking the hit the licker threw their way. She screamed in pain but quickly regained her composure and shot a flame round at one licker. It screeched and Leon fired two shotgun shots. The first one fell to the ground while the second barrelled towards them.

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now