Leon S. Kennedy, At Your Service

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"The rookie? Hell of a first day for you, ay?"

"Certainly has been." Leon shook his head tiredly.

"Where did you find this one?" Marvin questioned, gesturing to Y/N. "She looks young too, she your girlfriend?"

"I- no, I'm not his girlfriend, I-."

Marvin cut Y/N off, laughing at her nervousness.

"I'm only joking, kid."


Leon looked down at Y/N, who was pushing hair out of her face anxiously. He found her quickly switching personality incredibly strange. She looked up at him, surprised to see him already staring at her.

"You known each other long?" Marvin asked, leaning back in his seat.

"No." Leon turned to face him and pulled the notebook from his jacket pocket. "Found her unconscious at a gas station. She can't remember how she got there. Here, take a look at this."

"Must have been a pretty bad day for you already. If the world hasn't gone to shit and it's just the city, you should file a police report. Somebody could have dumped you there once they thought they wouldn't be seen. Had you been out at a bar or anything like that the night before? How old are you, kid?" Marvin started flipping through the notebook.

"No." Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "I don't go out much. I'm only nineteen."

"So, how did you get there?"

"I said already, I don't know." She cupped her hands together and began to fiddle with her fingers. "Last thing I remember I was on my pc playing res- erm..." She cleared her throat. "Playing a game. Maybe I fell asleep at my desk." She tried to think of something to get them off her case. "I could have forgotten to lock the doors..."

"Sounds more serious than I thought." Marvin sighed. "Is there anybody who could have been watching you? It would be strange for somebody to randomly try get into your house. Could it have been planned by somebody you know? A lot of cases of kidnappings are by people close to you, people you'd never expect."

"Can we... focus on getting out of here?" Y/N swallowed thickly, looking away from the two of them. "What happened to me... it's not important anymore. Living is what matters."

"I know it's difficult." Leon placed a warm hand on her back. "But you won't be able to just move on and forget what happened. If you remember anything that happened to you, you should tell us."

"I get you're trying to help, but I don't know what happened to me." She felt nauseous and she pulled away from Leon angrily. "I don't know how I got here, I don't know how long I was at the petrol station, and I really don't want to think about if anybody found me there and decided to take advantage of me, like you're suggesting." She sighed. "Did you see me when you got to the station, Leon?"

"No." He stated, realising it was if she magically appeared.

"So, I obviously ended up there after you got there." She shook her head and gently took the note book from Marvin. "Therefore, nothing could have happened while I was at the station. That's a positive. I don't want to think about what could have happened before that. I'm sure nothing happened."

Though her words seemed uncertain, she knew she was right, as she must have somehow ended up here by falling asleep on the game, as crazy as it sounded.

"We need to get the three medallions." She ripped the page they needed out of the notebook and put it in her jean pocket. "You can finish up talking to Marvin, I'll go get the Lion Medallion from the second floor quickly."

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now