Just Like Clockwork

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"I'll get you out of here, baby. I promise."

They didn't stay in the break room for much longer. Once Y/N had calmed down, they searched the room, collected what they needed and then left, heading straight for the shutter that would lead into the watchman's room. Leon kept Y/N close, worried about the fatigue she was experiencing.

"You need to stay near me from now on. No separating from each other." Leon's voice was stern but she could tell just how stressed out he was. "If you're feeling this sluggish then you might struggle to defend yourself."

Y/N nodded, too tired to argue. She watched as he put the fuse into the box and the shutter began to lift. Then she realised something.

"Wait..." She spoke weakly. "Where's the zombies that attacked the officer?"

Leon grabbed her hand as he looked around confused.

"Maybe they climbed out through that window?" He pointed to the one closest to them which was broken.

"One sec..."

She was surprised to see some boards beside the window but she wouldn't question it. Picking them up, she tried to put them up against the window, failing to attach them properly with the overwhelming fatigue. She sighed.


He went over to help her, offering her an understanding smile. Once they were against the window, Y/N took Leon's hand again and led him to the watchman's room. She lazily kicked at the officer that had been turned to a zombie when it tried to grab her and pulled out her handgun, shooting it through the head. Leon started at her, worried about her strange behaviour.

As they left the watchman's room, Leon went to turn to the left to exit through the fire escape but was stopped by Y/N pulling him to the right. He looked down at her but she was seemingly focused on something else.


She didn't respond.

"Y/N, what's wrong?"

Still no response.

"Y/N!" He raised his voice, making her flinch.

"Linen room first." She stated, simply continuing the way she was going.

"Why?" Leon looked at her, eyes filled with concern.



They got to the main hall and Y/N tried to head straight up the stairs to the library, but was caught of guard by a zombified Marvin groaning and stumbling towards her.


Leon's eyes widened as he pulled his gun out, letting go of Y/N's hand. He lifted it up, aiming it at Marvin. Y/N looked over at him, noticing his hesitance so she took her own gun and raised it. Marvin stumbled towards Leon and she aimed her gun at his head without a moment to think.

"Sorry, Marvin." She shot the gun and Marvin fell forwards, hitting the ground with a loud thump.

"Y/N!" Leon looked at her in shock.

"Marvin said it himself." She turned away from him, guilt swarming her already. "Don't hesitate."

Nothing more was said on the topic and Y/N led the way to the second floor, entering the library. She pulled the diamond key from her pocket as they made their way through the lounge. Opening the linen room door, she pushed through, stumbling slightly as her leg stung. Leon reached forward, grabbing her and stopping her from falling.

"Are you alright?" He looked down at her leg. "Can I look again?"

She nodded and he crouched down, pulling the fabric up. He touched the skin around the bite and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He glanced up at Y/N's face.

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now