Meeting Sherry Birkin and Ada Wong

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"Guess we're going down."

When the lift reached the underground stairs Leon stepped out first, gun raised ready to shoot. He saw no zombies and lowered his gun, gesturing for Y/N to follow him down the steps. They turned left to head down a narrow corridor and as they made two rights, something began to run above them. Or someone from the sounds of the female breathing.

"Wait..." Y/N tried to catch a glimpse of the person through the gaps in the metal and was sure it looked like a little girl. "That's not supposed to happen for Leon..." She came to the conclusion that the two campaigns had merged to make sense in a real timeline. "We should hurry." She began to jog down the corridor and Leon followed behind her.

When they made it out onto the balcony of the machinery room, Y/N made her way straight to where the metal shelves had fallen over. She tried to force them back up but couldn't and scoffed in annoyance.

"Hey, let me."

Leon squeezed past her and started pushing the shelves upright. Once he had finished he stepped to the side so Y/N could stand beside him. The quiet cries of a child caught both of their attention and Y/N was quick to rush to the doorway. A young, blonde haired girl was curled up in the corner.

"Oh my god." Y/N crouched down in the doorway, not getting too close so she wouldn't startle her. "Are you okay?"

Sherry looked up, eyes teary as her eyes went between Leon and Y/N. Her eyes grew fearful and Y/N was quick to stand up and turn around, seeing a mutated William Birkin stood behind Leon.

"Shit!" She yelled, causing Leon to turn around and raise his gun.

"Jesus Christ!"

Sherry screamed in fear and Y/N turned around just in time to see her run off.


Just as she was about to follow after her, William grabbed Leon and slammed him into the ground. The balcony collapsed and Y/N grabbed the edge that was still attached, holding on for dear life, as Leon and William fell. Her grip slipped and she screamed as she also fell and hit the ground. William stumbled up and Leon was quick to get to his feet and pull Y/N up. She groaned in pain but Leon had no time to let her adjust. He pulled her away from the mutant, looping around the machinery to avoid it's angry attacks. Y/N struggled to keep up with Leon with the pain shooting through her leg, but she tried her best to not slow him down.

"Leon..." She let out a heavy breathe. "I can't run like this for much longer. We need to fight it."

He glanced back at her, her chest heaving and worry filling him.


He slowed down and pulled the shotgun from his back.

"The eye." Y/N pulled her handgun out as they did a slower loop.

"What?" He looked at her confused.

"Aim for the eye. It'll be the weak point." She limped away from him to go and loop behind William.

"What are you doing?" He shouted, lifting his shotgun as the mutant went to charge at him.

"If we have one either side we can stun lock him."

Leon shot his gun at the eye and William fell to his knee, grunting as the eye receded into his arm. He looked to his side and Y/N had completely disappeared.

"Y/N?" He yelled in fear.

"I'm fine." She called back, voice echoing around the space. "Trust me, Leon."

As William began to stand, a loud noise rang through the room from Y/N shooting at him. He roared loudly and swung around, hitting one of the sides with the pipe he had. Steam began to spray out, making it more difficult to see. Y/N hurried around another looped area on the right hand side of the room. As quickly as she could, she grabbed the herb and ammo that was in that corner. When she turned around, William was running right at her. She screamed in fear as she ducked just in time for him to miss her and he ran into a wall instead.

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