Two's Company, Three's A Crowd

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"Wasn't supposed to be a compliment."

"I'm taking it as one, Kennedy."

The crackle of the radio on Leon's shoulder caught both of their attention and he brought it to his mouth to speak into it.


"Rookie, there's something you and Y/N are going to want to see."

"Alright, we'll be there in a sec."

Leon looked back over at Y/N, who was now aiming her gun at a zombie heading straight towards her. When she lowered her gun, his eyes widened and he jogged down the stairs to get to her. Just as he was lifting his own gun, the zombie charged forward and she barely dodged it with her limp. She kicked at the back of it's knee with her good leg and it fell to the floor as she stabbed a knife through it's skull.

"What are you doing?" Leon rushed to her side and grabbed her wrist.

"I'm saving bullets." She glared at him as she tried to pull her wrist from his grip.

"What if you hadn't dodged in time? I wasn't close enough to help." He spoke angrily before glancing at the knife in her hand. "Where did you get that?"

"That police officer had it on his body." She gestured to behind her. "Let's just get the unicorn medallion, okay? I'm fine, you don't have to babysit me."

"Look, as an officer it's my job to protect civilians. I'm not trying to babysit you." Leon sighed and watched as she frowned and hugged her waist. "I'm going to do what I can to protect you whether you like it or not."

"I get that, Leon." The softness that she used to speak his name caught him off guard. "Can you just let me do what I think is right? I'll stay near you in case something happens if that will make you happy, but I'm not going to follow orders."

"Y/N, I..." Leon's grip on her wrist loosened and she stepped away from him, opening the door to the lounge.

"Come on."

Y/N headed straight for the statue while Leon grabbed the gunpowder that was on a table and collected the maps of the second and third floor. He heard the medallion pop out of the statue and he tried the door leading out into the second floor hallway, sighing when it wouldn't open.

"We need to go see Marvin anyway." He said.

Y/N smiled and gestured for Leon to follow her. They entered the library again and headed straight for the door. Y/N pulled the key out of her pouch.

"Grab that book." She said as she turned the key in the door, a click being heard.

Leon picked the book up and handed it to her as they exited to the second floor of the main hall. She held it close to her side and began to jog over to the stairs, smiling when she saw Marvin.


"You look cheerful." He shook his head, trying to hide his smile at her energy. "Was she a handful?"

"You could say that." Leon smirked as Y/N glared at him, sticking her middle finger up.

She put the medallion into it's designated slot and clapped her hands together as she turned back to the two of them.

"What did you need?"

Marvin showed them the camera at the fire escape and how Claire was waiting there trying to get in.

"You should be able to get to her through the waiting room."

"Alright, thanks." Y/N turned to Leon. "Remember this. Left six, right two, left eleven."

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now