Ah Shit, Literally

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"Shit, we gotta go."


Y/N often wondered what it would be like to be the protagonist in a book or TV show, film or game, and as she sat hunched over beside Leon, with Ada rubbing her back, she felt she was all too close to being the protagonist she always wanted to be. But now... she knew it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

"You owe me." Ada smirked as she helped Y/N to her feet.

"I don't owe you shit." She said through coughs.

"Pretty sure I just saved your life." Ada leant in closer so she could whisper in Y/N's ear. "Let's put it this way, either you owe me a favour, or the rookie does, which would you prefer?"

Y/N jolted back and glared at Ada before sighing in defeat.

"Fine." She muttered and then turned to Leon, helping him up. "Let's go."

She laced her fingers with Leon's and Ada's gaze flickered down to it before she looked away like she didn't notice.

"Hurry up and open the gate." Ada crossed her arms as she stood in front of it.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Y/N inserted the parking permit and Leon looked between the two women uneasily.

"Did something happen I'm not aware of?"

"Nope." The women said in unison.

Ada ducked under the gate as it rose and Y/N followed, pulling Leon along with her. The three of them walked down the street in silence, Leon finding it increasingly uncomfortable by the second. As they reached the gun shop, the road ended as it had collapsed.

"Gun shop is the only way through." Y/N said, though she knew it technically wasn't true.

Ada nodded and knelt down, beginning to pick the lock. Once done, she pushed open the doors and went in first. Leon was quick to spot the gun part for a shotgun and let go of Y/N's hand to go and get it. She didn't complain and just walked further into the shop, noticing the letter that Jill had left for Kendo. She had almost forgotten that Jill and Carlos where also in the city. Perhaps she'd get to meet them in the future, though she doubted it.

Leon came to stand beside her but noticed she was too busy reading the note so went to explore further. However, he was stopped by a man coming around the corner and putting a gun to his head.

"Don't move!" Kendo instructed, obviously on edge.

Y/N was quick to respond and lifted her handgun up, pointing it at the man.

"Put the gun down." She ordered. "We're not here to hurt you."

"Don't fucking move!" He yelled, eyes going between Leon and her.

"Hey!" She raised her voice and took a step forward. "Put the goddamn gun down or I'll put a bullet through your head! You know Jill Valentine, correct?"

The name caught Kendo's attention and he lowered his gun just a little.

"You know Jill?" He asked softly.

"Yes. Now put the gun down." She sighed and brought her hands up in a surrendering position. "Please. We just want to get through here without any issues. We'll leave you be."

Ada appeared beside her with her gun raised, though not at Kendo, but something behind him. Y/N's eyes snapped to the young girl and she felt her chest twang in sadness.

"What are you doing?" Leon glared at Ada.

"She's infected, she needs to be put down."

Kendo stepped backwards and in front of his daughter, raising his gun towards Ada.

Racoon City's Unexpected Survivor (Leon S. Kennedy)Where stories live. Discover now