Going Down

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"You okay?" He asked, voice low.

If it was from the fear of the licker or from their current position, she could not tell.

"Hey," Leon, much more purposely this time, moved his knee so it was pressing upwards. "Are you okay?"

"Don't do that." She opened her eyes and looked down at Leon, who seemed all too pleased with her reaction.

"Hurry up and get off of me then." He put a hand on her hip and pushed himself onto one elbow.

"Maybe I don't want to."

Before she could stop herself the words had flown out of her mouth. She had always had a habit of not doing what others told her to. In her current situation, that was probably a bad thing.

"Then don't complain when I do things like this." He once again moved his knee, this time getting a little too close to her sensitive spot.

"Alright, alright." She sat up, forcing him to put his leg down straight. "I'll get up."

His smirk was awfully degrading for her as she clambered off of him and she began to mutter to herself.

"You wish I'd give you the opportunity, with your girl problems you'd take anybody."

"What?" He stood up much smoother than she did, finding her words strangely amusing.

"Nothing." She smiled, assuming he had not heard.

She shivered slightly at how cold the room was, the cut on her arm exposed and beginning to sting again. She touched it, feeling that the bleeding had thankfully stopped.

"Hey, are you alright?" His question was more sincere this time.

"Yeah, my jacket is ruined though." She laughed softly and went to peer out of the gaps in the door. "I think it went around to the little window we jumped out of, if we walk lightly and don't speak, it should leave us alone."

Leon went over to Y/N and opened the door slowly. He let her go first, swiftly following her out. They turned left and headed down the corridor quietly, the licker luckily nowhere in sight. They reached the bottom of the stairs, avoiding the arms of the zombie that was trying to force its way in. Reaching the second floor, they immediately went to the locker room. As they had already cleared that room, Y/N put the wheel in it's slot. She attempted to turn it, only succeeding in moving it slightly with the pain in her arm.

"Need some help?"

Suddenly, Leon's arms were around her and his front was pressed into her back. His hands clasped over hers and she stiffened in response. He twisted the wheel until the steam stopped but did not move from where he stood.

"Leon..." She swallowed nervously.

He hummed as he brought his right hand round the back of her neck to pull her hair off of it. He lay it over her right shoulder and leaned in closer to her ear.

"Leon, what are you-?" She let out a soft gasp as he pushed himself closer to her tucking his head into her neck. "Ah~ what are you doing?"

"Not so confident now, are you?"

He smirked into her neck as he pushed her fowards so her stomach was pressed against the wheel. His left arm wrapped around her waist and his right ran down it and over her hip. Her grip on the wheel tightened and she shivered in unexpected pleasure as his hand circled to the front of her hip, pushing her backwards against him.

"Leon. Now isn't really the time to get-!" She let out a shaky breathe when he kissed her neck. "How long ago did we meet and you're already acting like this?"

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