Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ty was on the plane waiting for it to take off.
Marion had been left with her daughter after Little Lyndy finally saw her mummy was asleep in bed, and she was happy. They took her back to the ranch, and she finally fell asleep on Lyndys Lap.
Marion was holding Amy's hand when the doctor walked in. He looked at her notes, nodding and smiling.
"Mrs Fleming,  your daughter should be fine. We will start chemotherapy infusion in four weeks, and it will be an 8 week cycle, I want to avoid radiotherapy if at all possible.  Amy is young, and I'm sure she would like more children."
"Yes, she does want at least two more."
"Now Marion, may I call you Marion."
"Yes, of course you may."
"Thank you, Amy is going to need a lot of care when she comes home. We're not sure what will be affected while her brain heals."
"What sort of problems she could encounter."
"Well, she could have hearing loss, temporarily or permanently, eye sight problems, temporary paralysis. I could go on, but let's wait and see how she heals. Okay."
"Thank you, Doctor, ".

Ty had landed and was on his way home. He asked the taxi driver to drop him off at the hospital so he could visit Amy,  but by the time he got to her room, Marion had already left.
Ty stood at the end of her bed, looking at his wife . He could see how ill she was just by how she looked. She was so thin you could see her bones sticking out of her joints. Very dark rings around her eye's, a gaunt face so bad he could make out her skull. Her head was all bandaged up,  tears were rolling down his face.
Ty started to think of what he'd done. What got into him.
Why did he leave her on her own.
He abandoned her and his Daughter.
He didn't deserve either of them.

A doctor walked in and saw him standing there.
"Can I help you Sir. "
"Yes, please, how is my wife, I'm Ty Borden."
"Oh, well, to be perfectly honest, Mr Borden , we thought Mrs Borden was a single mother."
" That's my fault. She asked me not to go on the Racing tournament, but I still went knowing I was going to be away for 6 months. "
"Well, we found two tumours, we're almost certain that we got it all out, we will do another 8 week cycle of chemotherapy, then check again.
Your wife is going to need a lot of help as she recovers over the next twelve months, Mr Borden."
"Will she recover."
"All I'm going to say Mr Borden is if your  not religious or don't pray, you'd better start."

Just tell me what I need to do doc, I'll never leave her side again."

Ty was almost true to his word. When he got home, Marion was very pleased to see him. However, Jack had a few choice words of his own which left Ty laying on the drive and covered in dust, a bloodied nose and a big lip. Ty got the message loud and clear.
While Jack and Lyndy were there it was a little easier to work, see little Lyndy, and Amy. She woke up two weeks after her surgery and was very surprised to see Ty sat by her bed. She had a few choice words for him, and gave him one more chance, if he broke it, then he was out of their lives, unfortunately she had to write it all down. Over the next twelve months Amy got her speech back, full use of her left arm and her short term memory came back.
Two year's later after a lot of hard work Amy was competing again and Ty never left her alone, he became a different person after he realised he could of lost her and he wouldn't have known. His love for Amy grew and grew, as did Amy's love for Ty. Lyndy was gowing up and when she was six years old she had a baby sister named Sammy, lyndy was always helping and GG Jack and GG Lyndy came to see them.
Four years later and Ty didn't get his son he was hoping for but another daughter named Allison.
Amy loved it, having three beautiful daughters.
There life went on and eventually Ty put a granny flat on the side of the Ranch House for Marion, at her request. They lost GG Jack  and GG Lyndy invited Lyndy to take over Heartland as she was just like her grandma Marion and her mum. The other two girls were like their mum too and excelled in Show Jumping.
The year's continued to move forward  and Amy and Ty became grandparents from Lyndy first who surprisingly had a Son, then Sammy a Girl  and then Allison who had Twins of one of each. Ty still never left her side, their marriage was an inspiration to their own daughters and the way they raised their children.
Time moved on and they said goodbye to GG Lyndy and some years later Marion due to pneumonia, they never did hear from Tim Fleming  again thankfully.

The promise Ty made to stay by Amy's side was something Ty could never really keep,  Amy's health wasn't always good, she thought that she would leave Ty on his own, but unfortunately not long after their 5th Great Grandchild was born Ty took his last breath during the night at a good age of 83.
It hit Amy harder than her Daughter's thought it would. Amy would often take a ride up to the family cemetery and sit and talk to Ty, in her mind she was seeing him sat near her and she would chat away to him. Ty would nod and smile.

One early evening, Amy was sat on the porch thinking of her family,  her and Ty had three beautiful daughters who married and gave them 12 Grandchildren,  they in turn eventually married and gave them 15 Great Grandchildren then Ty passed on, now it had been another 10 years and Amy had just celebrated her 91st Birthday with all the family around her including her 16 Great Gran Children.
Amy carried on watching the comings and goings on the Ranch, it had grown , as her two daughters had taken up teaching once they retired from show Jumping,  they'd built two big indoor arena's and both taught the
younger generations including their own children who taught their children. The ranch was safe and all paid for, her whole family was safe, and Amy was happy and content.
Six months later just before winter was due to arrive, she took a Ride, even at her age up to the cemetery to talk to Ty.  Once winter arrives she won't be able to talk to him until spring arrives.

As usual Amy was sat on a thick cushion leaning against the fence talking to Ty who was nodding and smiling.
Then Amy looked surprised when Ty stood up and held his hand out, Amy took it and he pulled her up and put his arms around her and then kissed her, it felt so real. She looked at his hands and noticed he had young man's hands, then noticed her hands were smooth and young.
She saw Ty look behind her so she looked too and saw her 92Yr old self fast asleep against the fence. Amy turned Ty to face her and kissed him again. "Amy, are you ready to leave beautiful."
"Yes my love, it's  been so lonely without you."
They started walking and Amy just followed her soul mate hand in hand to wherever there next life would start.

                          The End.

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