The Lost Harp of Mervana (A Sea/Webby/Wade Story)

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<~><~><~>SEALIA'S JOURNAL ENTRY<~><~><~>

TODAY WE WENT TO MERVANA!!! I was so excited to be apart of this adventure since I know that it does pave a question around Beakley and Webby, truth, and all that other stuff. But more importantly, I HAVE A MERMAID FRIEND!!! At first it was a little awkward since he did seem to like me a lot, but we did have a lot of fun, especially when he helped us solve the mystery. His name is Reed and he is extremely straightforward and so sweet. I think Wade was a little jealous of how quickly Reed and I became friends, but in the end, Wade and Reed became close as well. Oh by the way, Wade has glasses now and make him look much older, he has had them since he, Dewey and Launchpad played that VR game at Funzos. He said his vision is a little blurry in the mornings and sometimes at night now too. Anyway... Even though I'm sure we'll get to meet again someday, Reed gifted me his shark tooth necklace. That Merboy is literally one of the sweetest people I've ever met in DuckTales <3 

P.S.     I think Wade has a crush on me... AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT :{

<~><~><~>SEALIA MAY McCALLISTER – SEAN'S<~><~><~>

The adventure started off like another adventure: Wade and I were at Sean's having breakfast and talking about past adventures and such, when our Adventurers group text with the boys and Webby announced a new adventure and to head to the Duckburg Marina! Wade smiled excitedly at me and started picking up his trash. "Ready for another exciting adventure?" I scoffed and stood up. "I am offended you had to ask me such a question." We both started out of Sean's and Lucas drove us down to the marina where the submarine was. Just as we approached it, Webby popped out from the top and smiled extra big. "SEALIA! WADE! GET IN QUICK!!!" Wade and I both looked at each other nervously, but followed Webby's orders and got in the sub as fast as we could. You know, without falling or tripping off the ladder on the side of the submarine.

Inside was the whole family, minus Launchpad. "Hey guys, great timing!" Huey said when we found our seats; I sat by Webby and Beakley while Wade went and sat between Dewey and Louie. "We're about to search for the next Missing Mystery in Finch's journal!" "Awesome, what's next Hubert?" Huey smiled happy that Wade had asked. "I'm glad you asked." Louie rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, readying himself for the long speech that went along with any adventure they went on. Huey went to the submarine's front and grabbed something like a scroll. Della was steering the submarine with an irritated and grossed out expression. Huey unrolled the scroll and showed us all a picture of a city submerged underwater.

"Mervana: A shining civilization until its people disappeared into the sea, never be found again. Until now!" Huey peered over the picture and pulled out Isabella Finch's journal from under his hat. "Solving the clues of Isabella Finch's journal, we'll finally be able to find one of her legendary missing mysteries: The Lost Harp of Mervana!" He excitedly showed us the picture of the harp in the journal, Dewey raised his hand in question. "Doesn't Uncle Scrooge usually make the long-winded treasure speeches?" Uncle Scrooge looked to Dewey almost offended. "Long-winded?" "I like 'em!" Webby smiled as she added, Dewey cringed. "Oh we know! We know..." "I like to hear what we're about to get ourselves into beforehand. Makes me feel more prepared." Wade said on Huey's behalf. Uncle Scrooge smiled and returned to his business work he had on his desk. Yes, even the great Scrooge McDuck still has to fill out forms and paperwork for his company while on adventures. His job never stops. "This is Huey's quest. We're all here to support him. Go ahead, lad..."

Huey smiled grateful that Uncle Scrooge was supporting the adventures of the Missing Mysteries as his own adventures, or quests as he would normally put it. Huey cleared his throat and almost started speaking again when Uncle Scrooge popped up behind him and spoke up. "But I will add, that when the Mervanians disappeared into the sea the priceless harp of Mervana disappeared as well." Huey popped up in front of Uncle Scrooge, stealing the spotlight back. "How did the Mervanians survive under the sea, you ask." Huey showed another page from Finch's journal showing pictures of the Mervanans. "Well, Mervana was home to a mystical race of—" "Half-man half-fish creatures!" Uncle Scrooge butted in again sharing Huey's excitement. They both leaned in closer to Dewey, Wade and Louie who leaned far back in their seats uncomfortably. "Their legs could turn to fins under water..." "Allowing them to live..." "BY BOTH LAND AND SEA!" Uncle Scrooge and Huey jumped up and down and shared an excited laugh. "We find the Mervanans, document the harp in Finch's journal, and the missing mystery will no longer be missing!" Huey grinned wide, Louie raised an eyebrow at Huey and looked to Dewey and Wade. "Cool, now there's two people putting us in constant danger." "I feel like its been a lot more than just two people Lou." I added as I fiddled with my yellow shaded friendship bracelet. Dewey and Wade snickered at Louie and my remarks.

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