The St. Canardian Guardian (A Sea/Wade/Huey/Dewey Story)

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Okay, I definitely had to come on this adventure; If I absolutely had to be in any adventure this was the one that I had to join in on to make sure nothing went wrong! If something goes wrong and the Ramrod fails with Uncle Scrooge and the boys inside it, I'd never forgive myself! Even though I risk that chance even more just coming along. Not saying I could prevent them from being thrown in, in the first place, they kind of have to otherwise the episode goes out of order and risks getting worse than it's supposed to. My head hurts just imagining what this adventure will be like with me joining in, not to mention Wade jumped in too, as well as Della.

Did everyone just decide to make a vacation out of this visit? What's crazier is that it is now officially been three years of being stuck in the DTU, and we aren't even at the half point of Season 3 in DuckTales! Not that anyone but myself knew that to be true... which meant that it was 2020 in DuckTales right now, lucky them; they didn't have to endure a worldwide pandemic that lasted over a year... In the drivers seat, Launchpad drove us over the St. Canard bridge with a rather serious expression on his face. "This is the city of St. Canard." Ths lights from other vehicles shone on our faces as we rode in the limo, the moon hung rather high for 8:52 PM. "A metropolis overrun with the worst kind of crime: Super Crime." Launchpad explained to no one in particular.

He gazed out the window at the city as though it was a terrible place to be for a regular citizen. "But a purple protector stands alone, dutifully watching for—" "Oncoming traffic!" Dewey suddenly shouted! Launchpad had gotten caught up in his monologue that he was halfway in the left lane on the St. Canard bridge! We all screamed and held our seats for dear life as Dewey grabbed the steering wheel and turned it right as hard as he could! We swerved back into the correct lane but now all us in the back were twisted up in our seatbelts! Uncle Scrooge corrected his top hat and brushed off his coat with a smile as though that was nothing.

"Sorry Bradford. Bit of unexpected turbulence. All fine now." Uncle Scrooge said to Bradford via video call on a tv screen that sat between Huey, Louie and me. Where Bradford could only see Scrooge, but Della and Wade were either clawing their seat behind them or holding onto the window and Uncle Scrooge's shoulder for balance support. Wade's glasses bounced off his beak and slanted on his face. Beside Bradford, where he couldn't see, was worse; Huey was in a similar position as clawing his seat for dear life, Louie was wrapped up like crazy in his seatbelt, feet suspended, and I was holding the corners of the tv screen trying not to arouse suspicion that I was with them. A gut feeling told me that Bradford was suspicious of me.

"All would be better if you weren't wasting time and money on this trip." Bradford told Uncle Scrooge, "After that string of accidents, our St. Canard Research Facility is a lost cause." I knew he was just trying to keep us all away from his and FOWLs evil plans. "Doctor Bulba may be a bit unorthodox, but his lab is cutting edge. If he says he's on to something big, I trust him." Uncle Scrooge explained standing up for Dr. Bulba, Huey jumped in from the side and smiled as he showed SWINE magazine to the camera on the tv screen. "His latest project is supposed to be revolutionary!" "Profitable." Louie said as he joined in. "Reckless." Bradford added.

"Mr. McDuck, Bulba's experiments are worthless pipe dreams. Better not to deal with him." Only in my mind did I roll my eyes and shake my head at Bradford knowing his true intentions, but not knowing what exactly I was thinking, Della did rolled her eyes and shook her head in real time for me. "Yes, fine, thank you Bradford." Uncle Scrooge replied irritatedly as he used his action cane to try and turn off the video call, I just turned it off for him: my first semi-risk of the episode. "Bradford doesn't know how things work. There's no reward without a little risk." I yawned as a way to hide my nervous exhale, Uncle Scrooge's remark made me think: Was all the risks I was doing originally because I thought there'd be some reward for myself in the end? And if there was, what would it be or mean for me?

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