🗿Stone heart🗿

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I woke up to the sound of Astrid walking into my room and turning on the light, luckily I was already wide awake. Immediately I saw her I jumped off the bed "Good morning, Astrid." I walked towards my bathroom.

"You were already awake?" I just laughed and took off my nightgown before taking my bath, when I was done, I dried myself up and put on a robe using the door that leads to my closet. There was a long-sleeved turtleneck T-shirt with a flared skirt neatly arranged for me with my thigh-high boots. 

When I was done dressing up, I walked out to see Astrid waiting for me by my dressing mirror I sat down on the chair as she styled my hair for me, and we both walked down the stairs with my purse hung neatly on my shoulder with my backpack on my back

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When I was done dressing up, I walked out to see Astrid waiting for me by my dressing mirror I sat down on the chair as she styled my hair for me, and we both walked down the stairs with my purse hung neatly on my shoulder with my backpack on my back.

I skipped happily towards the kitchen with a huge smile on my face. "Someone's feeling better today." I couldn't help but laugh, I heard my phone ringing in my purse I took it out to see my mum calling.

"Good morning mum." I greet happily.

"Morning sweetheart, how's my little princess doing?"

"I am doing fine Mum, and I am not little," I say whining.

"You will always be my little princess. You look so beautiful!" Mum cooed. "Are you ready for school?" She asks.

"Yes mum, where's dad?"

"Ohh, your father had to go to an important meeting, but he wishes you the best of luck along with your grandparents." She says, too which I smile.

"How are grandma and grandpa?" A couple of maids walk in with a plate of fluffy buttermilk cannoli pancakes with a tray of blueberry ricotta muffins and berry morning muffins (with strawberry.) with the last maid dropping a cup of chocolate coffee for me and a cappuccino for Astrid. I mouth a thank you to them before they walk away. I talk to my mum for a little while before ending the call and having my breakfast.

When I was done eating, Gwendoline walked in with a lunchbox.

"Good morning princess. Here's your lunchbox there's a beef burger, a fresh fruit salad with a cinnamon bun with strawberry blueberry smoothie." She says, I take the lunch box and arrange it neatly into my bag with Astrid checking if I placed it well.

"Could I have about two dozen of these muffins packed? I would like to give some to my class, and could I have one?" I ask Gwendoline. "Sure, princess whatever you want, I will have them packed quickly for you." She bows before leaving.

I turn to look at Astrid finally taking in her appearance "your looking beautiful Astrid" she just laughs.

I turn to look at Astrid finally taking in her appearance "your looking beautiful Astrid" she just laughs

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