📡Lady Wifi📡

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I had been gone from Paris for a couple of days since I still had to appear before the public in Alonid in order not to raise suspicions. I had just gotten off the jet and entered the car that was already there waiting for both Astrid and me. I had already taken a bath on the plane.

I was staring out the window as the car drove towards the school

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I was staring out the window as the car drove towards the school. for some reason, I was nervous to see the others especially... Adrien.

I sighed in annoyance as I arrived at the school, and waved goodbye to Astrid as I made my way toward the stairs the hall was quiet meaning that everyone was already in class I was walking quickly towards the class when I heard footsteps and saw Marinette running straight for me.

I quickly moved out of the way as she fell flat.

I chuckled as I gave her a hand "It's nice to see you too Marinette."

"Emelie!? I'm sorry I'm so late!"

"Then we should probably get going."

We both walked up the stairs and Marinette sneakily opened the door and tip-toed over to her table. I breathed out as I opened the door softly to see Miss Bustier writing on the board. Everyone turned to look at me as I waved at them shyly with red cheeks. My gaze shifted to Adrien who was staring at me with a look on his face.

I waved at him, but he was lost in thoughts. I turn to Miss Bustier.

"Good morning, Miss Bustier" I greet with a smile, she turns to look at me with a smile.

"Emelie! it's so wonderful to have you back here" she says with a smile. "I hope you can keep up with the online classes?" I nod my head in a 'yes' motion. She gestures for me to have my sit.

I walk by Adrien and Nino's table. From the corner of my eyes, I notice Adrien staring at me, I feel my cheeks get warmer as I walk over to my seat.

I noticed that Alya was not in class, so I sighed.

"Hey" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to the redhead sitting beside me, I smiled.


Adrien's POV

I couldn't stop staring at her, I missed her a lot and she was gone for only a few days?! I sighed heavily as I ran my hand through my hair.

I turned to look at her and saw her talking and smiling with Nathaniel, a knot formed in my stomach for some reason I didn't feel right. I groaned in annoyance.

"Where is she?" I hear Marinette ask Nino.

"She's been suspended" He whispered back.


Everyone in class shrieked at how loud her voice was.

"Marinette! If you're going to come late, can you please do it discreetly!"

Under our Skies {Cat Noir/ Adrien Agreste x Oc}Where stories live. Discover now