⏱Time breaker⏱

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Today, I was brimming with excitement; I dashed around my room, snatching up my purse as Pixxi zipped in

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Today, I was brimming with excitement; I dashed around my room, snatching up my purse as Pixxi zipped in. Clutching my phone, I hurried out of my room and sprinted down to the living room where Astrid was already waiting for me.

And she didn't look as delighted as I was, I guess she wasn't fully on board with the idea that I would be going out on my own "Your friend is here," she says gesturing to Nathaniel who just rang the bell.

I smile as I excitedly go over to the door and open it, I see Nathaniel at the door, and he is sweating bullets as two of our guards Aaron and Tobie were giving him pointed looks. I roll my eyes at their behavior, just then Gwendoline comes running over with a little lunch box. From the corner of my eyes, I see Nathaniel staring at the house in awe.

"Prin-" she cuts herself off when Astrid and I look at her wide-eyed. "Miss here is what you asked for," she says with a sheepish laugh, making me chuckle lightly. I grab the box and put it in my purse with a smile. As I grab Nathaniel's wrist about to walk away when a hand grabs my arm, and Astrid pulls me into a hug.

"Please be careful... and call me immediately if there is trouble, okay?" She says as she gently strokes my hair, I nod as I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck.

"I'll be fine."

We stayed like that for a while before we pulled away, I started walking away as I waved at them. 

We were finally out of the house; I turned to look at Nathaniel who let out a sigh. I laugh as I speak "What's that for?" I say with a smile.

"That... was intense" I pat his shoulder gently with a giggle," I guess your parents must be really protective of you."

"Yeah, but they also want me to have the experience of having real friends," I say with a smile as I look at him. "That's why I moved to Paris."

"Where exactly did you move from?"

"Umm... New York...?"

He looks at me for a while "Wow that's cool!"

"Y-yeah... it is"

I look straight ahead, unaware of the blush on his cheeks. We talked all the way to where we were supposed to meet our other classmates. Everyone was already there except for Marinette and Alix.

I look among the crowd and notice Adrien, with Nino. Nathaniel walks over to Max while I walk over to Adrien.

"Hi" I wave with a smile; making them both turn to look at me.

"What's up dudette?" Nino says as we high-five.

"I'm good how are you both doing?"

"Good, Adrien here was able to sneak out of the house" He looks behind you "And you? The lady that's always with you isn't here?"

"Yeah, she wasn't too pleased" I say as I fiddle with my fingers when I notice Adrien just staring at me "My parents allowed me to be able to go out, only if they know where I'm going."

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