🐦Mr. pigeon🐦

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We were all seated in class as Mr

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We were all seated in class as Mr. Damocles addressed the class.

"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design. In ten hours, your fittest presentation will be judged by none other than two of the greatest fashion designers, Gabriel Agreste," Mr. Damocles says as Miss Bustier displays a picture of Gabriel Agreste on the projector. "The father of our very own student Adrien Agreste."

 Everyone smiles as Adrien chuckles lightly "In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot!" Mr. Damocles reveals. "...And that's not all, another special guest will be judging your derby hats! Mrs. Fiona Pasquier!" my eyes widened when I heard my mom's name.

'Mom's coming?'

I heard Marinette Squeal as Miss Bustier showed a picture of my mom on the projector. I could listen to Marinette squealing with a smile.

"Isn't she the queen of Alonid?" Alix asks.

"Yes! And my role model! I can't believe she'll be judging my hat!" Marinette says happily. 

"And now to announce this year's theme. Derby hats!" Miss Bustier changes the picture on the projector once again to a derby hat.

 'Derby hats? I can do that.'

I thought to myself. I had helped my mom a couple of times with some of her fashion designs, luckily, I had made a couple of sketches for hats, derby hats included.

I sat on one of the chairs in the courtyard as I brought out my sketchbook. I had neatly arranged them and quickly opened the hat sections as I browsed through the drawings, trying to see anyone I could make. I stopped at a page where I saw a picture of a derby hat with dove feathers and black gemstones.

"This is it," I say with a smile. I got out my drawing pencils and added a little detail that I would like to the hat. I shifted my gaze from my sketchbook and looked around the courtyard, to see Adrien talking to Alya and Marinette, who was looking at him from behind the bench.

"You're super talented, Marinette. You seriously have a good chance of winning." Adrien praised her after he saw the drawings on her sketchbook which was with Alya.

I looked down at my drawing, as I fiddled with my drawing pen. 

'Maybe this one isn't good enough...'

"It's perfect, Emelie" I hear Pixxi's voice as she peeks out from my purse and she looks at me with her cute red eyes, I smiled as I gently stroked her head.

"Thanks, Pixxi,"

I didn't notice Adrien walking over to me as I was on my phone messaging Astrid about the project, He sat down beside me.

I didn't notice that my sketchbook "Wow! I didn't know you were into fashion design Emelie. You're really good. Could I take a look?" I smile as I hand him the book.

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