CH1- So It Begins

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They say intimidating people is a daunting task.

"Well, what is it with you? Scared, huh?" I demanded, maliciously.

Feels lucky to be Amy Edwards. I am naturally intimidating.

Looking down below with a sneer, I asked. "Can you look up? I can barely see you Max!"

My victim remained silent, cowering in sheer terror. And then he spoke. "You know nothing about being small, Amy."

Ha, why didn't you think of that sooner?

"Well, show me then, pipsqueak!" I said as I prepared for a quick and decisive victory.

A giant hand knocks me flat to the ground in an instant. A chair is dragged, the noise easily destroying my ears. As the huge hand goes away, a shadow falls over me.


"Amy, you do realize that standing on top of a cupboard does NOT make you bigger?" He asked, more amused than anything else.

Apparently, intimidating anyone is a bad idea, especially if you are a little over 3 inches tall.

I stared at the giant of a boy, my sibling, younger than me by 1 year. "You just wouldn't let me have my moment, will you?"


"What do you want?"

"Mom wanted to talk."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I sent a glare, as I spoke.

Before I could react, the whole world shifted and I found myself in a loose but still humongous fist.

"Max!? I TOLD you not to grab me like that! It gives me a heart attack nearly each time!" I screeched as the vertigo passed.

"You're the one who wanted to hurry. And it's irresistible to watch your reaction!"

I KNOW you think it's funny. Hate to bust your bubble, it's not.

"Well, resist next time!"

I managed to make it to the kitchen in one piece, despite being with Max, where we found mom on the phone.

"- Thanks Maria, just go through the papers for me once, I don't want anything left unaccounted."

She has that same look on her face.



3 Weeks ago, her sister Anna and brother-in-law died in a car accident. Their 16 year old kid somehow survived, and was living with Maria, their lawyer and friend.

I tried to put on a cheerful face, as I darted across the kitchen counter I had been placed on towards mom. "Hey mom! You asked for me?"

She instantly smiled, and said. "Amy, Max. I want to tell both of you something, and it's urgent."

Totally one of her genuinely unpredictable speeches.

She nodded, and continued- "As you know, the loss of Anna and Jacob has affected us all-"

Even if I saw them only twice, out of which I only remember once, I still felt sad.

"-but it affected their child the worst. I don't want the kid to be in a foster home, so I got in touch with Maria, and got legal guardianship-"

"You WHAT?!" Max and I yelled in unison.

Except I was the one clutching my ears in pain.

She replied firmly- "Yes, I did. And we have to be welcoming to help him overcome what just happened to him. I've already cleared a room upstairs, and the formalities are nearly done."

I could feel the panic radiate off of Max. "But mom, does he even know about Amy's 'condition'?"

"No, but he also has a medical condition too, and you will discuss it with each other once he arrives-"

"What's his name?" I interjected curiously.

"You will introduce each other, and I haven't told your names to him either."

A double cross, eh?

She waited for us to process what just happened, and then continued- "Oh, and Amy, I got you admission in St. Agatha's, the school I told you about."

Right. Hold up.

I know that I was the one who asked to go to a real school than being home schooled for life, but it still is intimidating.

Intimidating. How ironic.

"But Max doesn't go there!"

"I know, and that is why I asked your cousin Emma to help you along! She'll come here tomorrow to stay with you, and school starts the day after tomorrow. And before you worry, you're in the same class as Emma, and she will be picking and dropping you from home and school too." She beamed in victory as she answered my questions without me even vocalizing them.

We know each other too well.

A loud phone set off with a deafening bang as I was left scrambling to cover my ears.

My very sensitive and easy to bust ears, just like the rest of me.

Turns out, it was Maria, and seeing that it would take looooooooong time, Max and I slipped out of the kitchen and into the living room to avoid certain death by boredom.

But none of us spoke.

I decided to put this time to good use, to make sense of what happened just minutes ago. It probably wasn't much, but it would kill time effectively.

I'm small and climbing higher does not make me taller? Check

Max is annoying? Check

I'm going to a school and have no idea when this happened? Check

My cousins Emma and Mr. Unknown are coming, out of which one stays for almost forever? Check.

I feel, I don't know, just a little bit slightly intimidated?

I gulped quietly at the thoughts of how everything could go wrong with 2 relatively gigantic cousins around.

Yeah, Check on that last item on the list too.



I'm @DrAnonymous-FFG-201, and this is my first actual story!

If you find any mistakes please don't hesitate to point them out, as they will only improve the story!

Besides that, I'm open to suggestions (Both for this story and new ones). If you want, drop an idea and I'll write a oneshot (In separate book though).

Have a nice day!


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