CH8- A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing

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(POV Isaac)

Why do I keep lying to myself?

It's such a risky plan, and it's practically insane.

You know what else is insane?

Staying with Jack.

Oh, and calling yourself 'delta' team.

Seriously, I need to stop that. No one except for me even calls it that. The rest of them don't even know that I named this team. I never told them partly because it was stupid, and partly because it was useless anyways. And calling them numbers? That's something they don't appreciate; but it's necessary to throw Jack off of our loops and plans.

And that's what- NO.

Take a look around. Ask yourself if there's anyone else who is better qualified to do the job. Not in the entire galaxy, but right there, at that point in time. If the answer is 'yes,' ask them to accept command, and do everything you can to support them. If the answer is 'no,' which it will be ninety-nine percent of the time, then take your best shot. That's all any of us can do.

That's all I can do.

"How're you feeling today?" Ava asked as she walked past. I had a good reply in my mind.

Depression... Loneliness... Confusion... Slight Indigestion?

"I'm fine. And you?"

I'm going to tell them what they need to know. To keep them calm.



We all need more of that...

And I specifically need to stop calling them a stupid Greek alphabet.

I'll get them all out of here.

I know I will.

(POV Nick)

"Nick, are you alright?!"

I jolted awake at the sound, groggy and all. Stupid tiny ears. Then before my eyes could adapt to the light, something shook me by my shoulders. I shut my eyes harder. Seriously!? I-I'm not even up yet and already being grabbed?


Why does the grip not feel as strong as it should?

There are a lot more important questions I should be asking, but this is all I can think of. And it's bugging me. Opening my eyes, I stifled a scream. A hand was over me. My hands shot up reflexively to make a pathetic attempt to stop the grab, and I gasped when I actually managed to push the thing away.

Wait, what?

"Nick, what are you doing?"

"N-nothing, mom!"


I took the sight in. I was sitting in a car, and mom sat in the seat in front of me. Dad was driving. And I'm the same size as everything. The sky was gray, and the air was cool.

And I'm normal?

And then, we started talking. About normal things. As if it was always like this. As if ACSD never happened. As if that day never happened...

And then, I heard a scream. The whole car was in the air for a second, and then on the ground. The loud bangs were still louder at normal size...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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