CH2- And Now It Ascends

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"We have a son too! He's your age and just like you!" Aunt Anna's voice echoed through my ears.

They say 'just like you' to make you feel normal, but it doesn't always work.

I still remember, I just smiled, while sitting on a me-sized chair on the dining table. Both Aunt Anna and Uncle Jacob had come over- a rare occasion. Mom told me that I had seen them before, but was probably too young to remember it. It usually took me days to warm up to someone, but I loved their company. Maybe the way they treated me just like a real 10 year old instead of a baby helped. Or was it the fact that they understood my problems more than anyone else? I was thinking so hard that they smiled too on seeing a sweet little face turn to such a serious one. Seeing me like that, we all took a family picture. I kept it in my bedroom, just to see their cheerful smiles everyday. I kept it to remember my war cry against my problems. To remind me, that you hit 'em hard with a smile...

That was six years ago. I miss them.

I only talked to them once but I still miss them.

Aunt Anna and Uncle Jacob...

Ok, hold up. You're probably more confused than anything right now.

But I'm THE Amy Edwards, infamous for my organizational skills, or better yet, a lack of them.

Now, I should probably clear a few things... Fine.

-My name is Amy Edwards, age 16.

-I have a younger brother called Max.

-I've been home schooled my whole life (At least till now!)

-I'm starting grade 11 (Duh)

-Oh, and of course, I am 3.3 inches tall. 

Achievement Unlocked! - How Did We Get Here?

Enough misdirection. I am just going to say it now. When I was born, I contracted a rare disease. The Acquired Cardiac and Structural Disorientation Syndrome, or ACSD (lucky me). It just  corrupts the blood(emphasis on just), turning it bluish-black and causes bone damage and what not in the long run (lucky me times 2). Truth is, I don't know much about it, minus the 'being born with it' part.

What I do know, is one unfortunate detail- the cure.

It was supposed to 'fix' me. Cure anyone else who was like me. And fix it did. Just one side effect- the patient would be shrunk 20 times smaller than a normal human, effectively making the recipients of the cure a little over 3 inches tall (lucky me times infinity). How is that? Well, the disease results in complete cellular breakdown (at least in the simulations). The 'cure' kills off the virus part, but the cellular breakdown could not be fixed. But the cure combined with a dose of what is infamously referred to as the 'downsizing agent' successfully shrinks the stuff which causes cellular breakdown or whatever it's called. Now, with the bad stuff gone, the side effect- the 'shrinking' happens, leaving most people around 3 inches tall.

Don't get me wrong, it did cure me- even though the aftermath was well, quite small.

But hey! I'm feeling quite proud of myself! I have reached 3.3 inches after months, and it's so worth it. Turns out, gaining 2 millimeters height is not an easy task.

Yes, I've been what a person would call 'tiny' for 16 years, and I have been missing out on a lot of cool stuff. School, proper friends, cinemas, and even happiness at times. But I did not want to drag Max down with me, and that's why he already goes to an actual school.

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