CH6- Forward Unto The School

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(POV Amy)


I have been lying here since twenty one thousand and six hundred seven seconds. I have been lying here since 6 hours. No one to disturb me, no threats as of right now, and no one for me to disturb. I can hear mom's soft snoring in the distance. I have been idle for the last quarter of a day, and all I have done is think. Twenty thousand one hundred and fifty eight seconds. That's how much time is left for school to begin. And it's all I can think about.

I'm doing a million calculations per second. And they're probably all wrong.

But looking back, my predictions have always been accurate. It's like I can almost see what's about to happen. Of course I base my opinions on others' behavior and a lot of stuff, but being able to at least map out the most possible scenarios? Yeah, that's definitely helpful. Especially since I'm 3.3 inches tall (and too proud to admit that it's barely different from 3 inches).

It's not rocket science. Just guesswork. Wanna do math? Do it right.

Brain, I'm too tired right now.


Before anyone thinks that I'm weird to talk to myself half the time, let alone talking to my brain of all things, just hear me out. I'm practically alone. Yes, I have my family, and Max and I share almost everything with each other. But there is no one of my age to talk to. And my size just adds to the problems. The nearest thing I had to 'talking to a friend' was the whole communication with Emma just yesterday.

O wise brain, what do you say?

Look, I'm tired. You're tired. Let's sleep.

Thanks. Nice to have an open-minded communication once in a while. 

I tried thinking of what'll happen. But my 3 inch frame was dead tired and the second I closed my eyes I was out. Future Amy handled the last rodeo just fine. This isn't much different... right?

(Few hours later)

Despite me being tired, I couldn't sleep for long. A 3 inch person needs rest more than most people but my anxiety took over me as I dashed into my mini-bathroom and emerged after a full hour. Ahhhh... nothing better than a bath without deafening footfalls outside!

Wait. What to wear to school? There are no uniforms...

Paranoia be gone! I pulled on a blue shirt and a darker blue sweater to go on top of that. Completing the look with my favorite blue jeans, I contemplated myself in the mirror.

Is this good enough for school? Yes? No?

Answer: I don't care. I have much bigger problems. 

I. Am. Hunger.

That's right. I NEED to eat right now but without waking up mom. Easy enough, as my footsteps aren't even audible to anyone. And mom left the door just a bit open for me if I needed it.

Now, present Amy knows that school starts real soon. And she has no intention of going to a gigantic school on an empty stomach. Sure, mom would have made breakfast, but I wanted something else.

And now I shall launch into a monologue in honor of my beloved coffee.

It didn't take long for my eyelids to fall: my enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But it wasn't nearly fast enough. For I had already passed the torch. And because of mom, I found caffeine, unlocked its secrets, shattered my enemy's resolve. Our victory — my victory — was so close, I wish the sleepy past Amy could was here to see it. But my enemy was sleep. Cold coffee, black coffee — all the coffee I now wielded as weapons. Everything... except sleepiness was flowing through me. I took no notice of anything but... coffee. That, mom gave to me. And with it, I can stay awake... forever!

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