CH4- And A Broken Ghoul

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(POV Isaac)

(Meanwhile, 5 blocks away from Amy's house)

I need to run.

The rumbling behind me stopped as I dived under the cupboard for cover. My head throbbed with pain, and my breathing was ragged. A chill ran down my spine as I checked for broken bones. None. That's a relief. I was just thinking of my next course of action, as my ears were hit by a sickly sweet voice.


"Lookie here, dear Isaac. You know you can't escape. Even if you did, you're getting nowhere. I suggest you come out now, or else I wouldn't be so friendly. You have 5 minutes."

It's been two years in this hellhole. I can't take this anymore. I'm getting out of here, no matter what. He betrayed me. He captured me. He experimented on me. And as if that wasn't enough, he captured anyone like me. ACSD isn't a disease. It's a curse, especially with Jack around.

"Hm, 4 minutes and counting. If you aren't coming out yourself, I'll have no choice but to mess with the others!"


I won't let you hurt them. I can't stop you. Or escape. But I can delay. It's plain pathetic, really, being literally too small to stop you. You know this, and you're using me. But I'll walk right into this trap if it means saving them.

"Wait! I'm coming! Don't take them!" I yelled as I ran straight towards him.

"That was sooner than I expected, you had 7 seconds to spare." He scoffed, "But I'm not very truthful, am I?"

A shiver ran down my spine as he bent low and picked me up in a carelessly tight grip. I shot him a glare, as he straightened up.

"Oh, come on Isaac. I need 2 this time. You're the first. And second? Hmm, how about Claire? Or Charlie? Actually, how abou-"

"Can't you make do with one?" I interjected, completely unfazed from his size and rough handling.

This is how you become if you're trapped for 2 years. In one room. With a maniac like Jack. He used to be my friend. But fate turned us into foes. At least he made it look that way.

"You've grown undisciplined again, Isaac. Do I need to teach you again?"

I'd like to see that.

"No, but you could-"

"NO! You will NOT talk back! Understood?" He yelled.

I could only nod as he started moving at a high speed, the world becoming a blur from all directions. I clutched my ears to block out the noises, but they were already ringing. This was the worst escape, so far. He didn't even try to catch me. He just coaxed me out of my hiding place, without breaking a sweat. And he seemed calm. A calm Jack meant trouble, and that specifically made me dread this failed escape attempt. My ears pained, as he blabbered carelessly. He knew that loud voices hurt my ears. That's why he was even louder.

33rd Failed Escape.

I really thought I could get away this time. Get help, and get everyone out.

But no, I'm to stay here.


"Get Connor, and you have 40 seconds. You know the consequences." He said coldly as I was dropped inside the miniature house. The fall wasn't much, but my body was already battered with bruises, and Jack's none too gentle handling would show its full effect by tomorrow. I entered the 'dollhouse', as it was called by Jack. It would have looked pretty, but seeing the fact that this had served as my prison since the last 24 months, there was nothing 'pretty' about the place.

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