CH7- A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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(POV Isaac)

I knew it.

Jack showed signs of it.

He found someone else for 'testing' as he calls it.

The 33rd failed escape wasn't really an attempt at all. It was a ruse, to tick Jack off.

What does Jack do when he's ticked off? He messes with us.

But most importantly, that sadistic idiot spills whatever he's been doing and ends up telling everything to us by accident.

It was a dangerous way of recon, and I hated it.

But we needed to know.

And now we did.

Most people would think that Jack broke us over the years. That we'd given up. That there was no hope left. They would think that the sheer helplessness would give us trauma. It did, but we helped each other. We cared for each other. And we saved each other.

Not from Jack. We didn't need saving from him.

We saved each other from losing hope.

We made each other believe.

That'll make a good chapter intro for a book if we ever get out of here, I thought to myself as I and Connor were dropped back in that stupid dollhouse again.

"Delta One, Four, you alright? You've been gone for 2 hours..." Ava said with her monotone voice.

The look on my face was enough to tell them the bad news

"Who'd he find now?" Charlie whined while Connor and Claire held back tears. Everyone is at breaking point. I will get everyone out of here. Or no one leaves.

We were never broken. We have been shattered, yet we stand unbroken.

We organized ourselves, for the greater good. We are Delta Squad. We might not be much, but it's enough to make a stand against Jack. At least morally. It's not really some force, more of a resistance. Of course Jack doesn't know. He thinks we keep quiet and stay hopeless, but the fool never noticed that we used gestures and body language for communication around him.

We are more than a bunch of prisoners.

I'm Isaac-004. Delta One. I'm the first test subject of Jack and the leader. I've been stuck here for two years. All I can say is that we are now more of a family than a team. My friends honor me as the commander of Delta.

The expression on Delta Two, Charlie-209 was grim. Tall, strong, and resilient. He's our muscle. No one resisted Jack more than he ever did. He's the fighting spirit of Delta.

Delta Three tried to smile. But Ava-034 couldn't, and it came out being more of a grimace. That's Three for you. Logical. She's our recon specialist(She came up with that). She's the vigilant eye of Delta.

Delta Four, my little partner, was at the verge of tears. They were tears of pain, but some of them were tears of joy. He had made those plans, and Jack played right into his hands. Connor-318 deigned lots of our previous failed escapes, but this time it'll be different. He's the true genius of Delta

At last, my eyes fell on Claire-319. As much as I wanted to comfort our dear Delta Five, it was no use. She might have been young, but she understood her hatred well. And she longed for vengeance more than a safe escape. Caring and soft, but lethal when around Jack. She is the most peculiar member of our team. She's indomitable. We call her the merciless wrath of Delta.

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