CH5- Keeping My Cool

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(POV Amy)

(1 Day ago - Sunday)

Why was Past Amy so stupid? Why did my brain tell me that Future Amy should worry about tomorrow? Now, tomorrow's here and it's up to present Amy to deal with it. Stupid ears, I blame you. Just someone walks by and you have to wake me up. And mom was trying to be quiet. If I'm up anyways, I could just think about how today will go.

So how to start?

Ok, game plan. Emma comes at 10:00 AM, so I just need to get ready, tidy up my penthouse, and then pretty much rest as Max cleans up the house while grumbling that I'm not doing anything.

Sometimes, it's good to be small.

First, I have virtually no chores. Not like I could actually do any. Oh, and for someone 3.3 inches tall, a muffin is like, enormous. I can enjoy candy more than Max ever will. That's also why I have a secret stash in my room. If Max found out, it would probably disappear in seconds, whereas it would take me weeks to go through the stuff. I'll share some with Emma, I suppose. And that brings me to the hardest part of the whole day.


Now, you would be like- yeah, getting out of bed is a pain. Don't lie. It's excruciating, and no denying it. I know everything. I know where you are, where you're going, your dreams and aspirations, and what you ate for breakfast. Don't ask how.

Groaning, I lifted my head out of the soft blanket (Or rather, a woolen handkerchief), and looked at the clock. It was a gift from Max, of all people. It was an elegant showpiece. He bought it on my 13th birthday. And I got him video games. A win-win. I waited for my eyes to adapt to the bright light, as I finally saw the time. 6:57 AM. What?! Why would anyone be up on SUNDAY at this ungodly hour?!

Sleeping in for 5 minutes doesn't count, right?

Okay, look here. I'm not justifying why I'm sleeping, I... ok maybe I am, but that isn't the point here! I am literally 3 inches tall, living in a bookshelf converted to a 6-storey building with an interior perfect for my small scale. Running around a home practically 20 times larger in scale is tiring. While some people go to a gym, my exercise of climbing the staircase still keeps me healthier than most people. I've gotten faster too, though I still can't outrun anyone yet. But to run, I have to get up. I looked around my bedroom while still being in bed. Hm, nothing much to do anyways, the whole place is clean. I'll wake up at 9 and get ready-

For a second the world stopped as I heard a deafening crash. I clutched my ears in pain as I looked up, in a frenzy, still half asleep. suddenly the whole front wall just vanished and a huge hand appeared. I didn't react, thanks to my sleep. Wake up, Amy. Stop dreaming.

Then the hand came towards me and I practically flew out of the bed and ran, screaming. I think I jumped out of bed so hard that I actually flew all the way to my door, just as fingers big as tree trunks took hold of me.

"Amy? Amy, I'm sorry! S-so sorry! I-I didn't mean it! I swear, I was just waking you up!"

"Max, could you not scare the living daylights out of me, FOR FIVE MINUTES!?!"

"I-it was an accident, I swear!" He said with panic clear in his voice.

I'll have to wake up now, This is the Point Of No Return.

I quickly turned around, to see my near-perfect room in disarray. And same went with most of the other rooms, which had everything scattered everywhere. Thanks Max, now I have more work to do.

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