Lee Minho - Cold Hearted

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You and Lee Know had been dating for a little over 6 months now. You loved him and everything about him, yet he had one minor flaw. He was incredibly possessive.

"All I'm saying is I don't like you spending time with other guys. You belong to me" he spoke, his tone harsh and cold as he looked back down at his phone, flicking through instagram.

"But Minho I-"

"Can you just leave me alone? I'm not in the mood" he cut you off, this hurt you a little but you knew he was acting out for no reason.

You had met up with Jeongin and Felix, they were your co workers and were in relationships themselves. So you didn't see why this was an issue.

"Minho...you know they're both taken right?" You asked, desperately trying to get his attention as you sat in front of him on the floor.

Minho puts his phone down again, looking back down at you with a smirk. Although you knew already another snide comment was coming.

"Oh really? How do you know that huh? Been spending a lot of time with them behind my back? Getting to know them?"

You huffed as you stood back up again, your anger levels rising.

"You're being ridiculous! Why can't you see that I love you and only you huh?!"

His eyes blazed back at you, feeling jealous and protective once again.

"You shouldn't have to keep proving it then" he rolled his eyes as you groaned in response.

"You're right. I shouldn't have to prove myself Minho. You should trust me enough to know I'd never do anything to hurt you. They're my friends, and I'm allowed to have friends...regardless of if they're male"

"Yeah well maybe you should be spending more time with me rather than with you 'friends'" he mocked, doing finger quotations on the word friends as you shook your head.

"That's it, I've had enough. Nothing I do is right in your eyes. If you can't trust me then this relationship is pointless" you answered, before turning your back and beginning to walk away.

Minho's heart raced as he watched you walk away, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. He knew he shouldn't have pushed you like that. But his jealousy and possessiveness got the best of him.

After a moment of hesitation he finally gets up, following you around the corner.

Your heart ached at the argument, you couldn't understand why he was like this with you. When he was sweet he was the most caring boyfriend in the world, and you adored him for that. But you couldn't take him lashing out everytime someone of the opposite sex came into the picture.

He quickly caught up to you, grabbing your arm and turning you around.

"You can't just walk off from me...we need to talk about this" he spoke, his tone still cold but you could sense there was something else underlying it.

"What's there to talk about huh? I'm never going to do right in your eyes. If I ever so much as smile back at someone of the opposite sex you lose your shit. I have never, ever done anything to suggest I would cheat on you or anything in that sense. I don't get it Minho, I can't take it anymore..." you spoke, feeling your voice breaking as you finally let it all out.

It was then you saw the change in his eyes. He knew just how badly this was hurting you. He knew he couldn't let his past haunt this new relationship with you...he couldn't risk losing you.

"Shit...Y/N, I'm so sorry" he muttered, his voice on the verge of breaking as he released his grip on your arm, "it's my fault, I shouldn't just assume it, I worry so much about losing you Y/N that it's not even normal"

"Minho, you shouldn't ever worry about losing me...I've always been right here. I just can't take the accusations, it hurts me to know you'd think of me doing something like that" you answered, your eyes searching his.

"I know, I know you'd never hurt me like that. I would never want to hurt you either. I'm sorry Y/N, please forgive me for acting so selfishly stupid?" He asked, you could easily hear the longing in his voice.

You let out a sigh, reading the guilt spreading across his face. Those puppy dog eyes, forever making your heart melt. How could you possibly stay mad at him any longer?

"I...I forgive you, but please, you have to learn to trust me. I'm not your exes, I'm your future" you spoke softly as Lee Know's lips curved into a small smile.

"You're right, you are my future. I love you Y/N" his hands reached up, cupping your cheeks lovingly as you couldn't help but break into a smile.

"I love you too...now why don't we head home so you can make it up to me hmm?" You suggested playfully as Minho's eyes glinted with lust.

"Don't have to tell me twice" he grinned, pecking your lips quickly before taking your hand in his and leading the two of you home.

To be continued...

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