Megan Boyles (Reader_220)

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So I haven't updated anything on Wattpad in forever, and will probably have to build a readership up again. Oh well.

Megan is a friend o' mine who recently did a review on my account on YouTube. I got a D-. (Just kidding.) Said video is attached to this chapter. She's the author of a slew of stories, which you'll get to hear about below.

Meh: What stories do you have on wattpad?

R2: I have a few of them. I am working on two called "One Night Muse" and "Interface," and my completed one called "Save Me." There is another story I have on my page, but that's been on hold for a while now.

Meh: When did you start writing?

R2: I started writing in fifth grade, and then stopped when I realized how bad the book was. Then started writing again last year.

Meh: What do you enjoy most about Wattpad?

R2: I like the fact that all the readers and writers are so supportive. Out of all the books I've read I couldn't find a rude comment. It's like we are all cheering each other on.

Meh: Who's your favorite author? S/he can either be on Wattpad or published.

R2: Well, I have trouble picking favorite authors, so I would have to say I don't have one. I have favorite authors in certian geners, but if it's over all . . . I simply can't pick.

Meh: What advice do you have to people who want to write?

R2: My advice would be to not let people get in your head. There might be people that don't support writing, and you have to be okay with that because writing is something you love to do. It kind of goes both ways: don't let people bring you down, but don't let people put ou on such a high pedistool that you think you are the best of the best. Another thing would be to publish it on Wattpad when you are ready. Don't feel pressured into publishing an unliked chapter/ book/ ect.

Meh: Pretty good advice, really. Have you ever considered trying to get published?

R2: Thank you. Yes, I have. My problem is I don't think i am quite ready though. I am too busy trying to edit my first book, and keep up with all the other ones I am working on.

Meh: Why did you join Wattpad?

R2: Well, I got one of my friends to join it, and my initial reson for joining it was so I could read her stories. Then, I started writing, and I thought it would be a perfect outlet to get advice on my writing and really test my ability.

Meh:  When you write, do you need complete silence, so that you can form your works in peace, like God / Jack Torrance? Or are you fine with noise and distractions?

R2: I am fine with noise, I actually usually listen to music when I am writing. I can't have people trying to have conversations with me though becuase then I can't focus on my work.

Meh: Now time to stop acting serious

Meh: What's your favorite phrase?

R2: My favortie phrase is probably "The Megan Disco Zombie," which goes with a dance. I find it funny because it is still an on running joke between my friends and I.

Meh: What's the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions school?

R2: Well . . . sadly, the first thing I thought was hell. The weird thing is I really like school, but it is always stereotyped as being exactly like hell, and I think that's why it's the first thing I think of.

Meh: What's your favorite season?

R2: Autumn. The season is so colorful! Really a season too good not to have.

Meh: I'm a weirdo. I like winter and being cold. For example, it's raining right now, and I'm laying right next to the open window, rejoicing for the cold air. XD. Anyway, that's all for today, thanks for your time.

R2: Of course. It was great talking to you.

Meh: You too.

As you probably figured out, Meggy here is pretty chill. She also hates the name Meggy, so please go over to her books and comment 'Hi Meggy' or something to that effect ASAP. While you're there, don't forget to subscribe and add one or two of her books to your library.


Hopefully for not as long this time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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