Ankita (Ankitadhal)

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Ankitadhal is the author of Through the rose tinted glass. and Detriments of having the Boy next door, along with a book full of short stores, written in proper Jeffery Archer style. I interviewed her in study hall doing science homework that was going to be due the next period, and let’s just say this: this girl is cool.

Me: Why do you write?

AK:  I'm not the most expressive person when it comes to talking. For the longest time I was a very under confident girl, writing was the first bold thing I ever did for myself. The first thing that was appreciated by a lot of people. I had a blog that I didn't tell anyone about and I'd write about everything that interest me or anything about my life hoping someone would relate. And when people did I got a kind of satisfaction I've never got before. I write to get my thoughts out there, to let people know they aren't alone and I like them go through and think about the same things. I write because I love flirting with someone else's thought process with my stories and write ups.

Me: Same. I cannot say how many times I've had to write down a question because I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. ¸What was your first story on Wattpad?

AK: Yeah I get what you are saying 

AK: My first story was "through the rose tinted glass"

Me: What gave you the inspiration for it?

AK: I had some experiences on the emotional front and after I got out of the aftermath I realised there were a lot of people my age that I met who had been seriously emotionally scarred due to experiences in their past. They were mentally physically hurting and I just wanted to write something that could maybe show them the light or some hope. An ordinary story like all of us. Something like that I guess 

Me: Do you ever base a character off someone, or name one after someone?

AK: So far I've never named any characters from people in my life. I do pick out certain characteristics or behavioural patterns from people I know or sometimes myself. In the end they are all just from my imagination. Mostly fiction 

Me: Yeah.  Do you have any really big grand ideas for a huge trilogy of books or something to that effect?

AK: Um yes I do, I'm actually working on a another book but its not on wattpad. Its a fantasy novel that I'm co authoring with a friend. Currently on hold

Me: I just want to know if this has happened to anyone else, but have you ever filled notebooks full of plot for a story without posting it anywhere only to find out that SOMEONE ELSE WROTE THE EXACT SAME THING?? 

AK: Um nope never happened with me 

Me: Lucky.

AK: I have filled notebooks with plots yes but the second part hasn't happened to me

AK: Hahaha 

Me: Now time for the sillier questions

Me: If you had a million dollars to give to any charity, what would it be?

AK: Um probably not give it to just one charity, many causes deserve money. But I think I'd like to help in cancer research, I've lost some people to it so I'd love to donate money to a future of finding a treatment or cure yeah

AK: And NGOs that help youngsters who have had terrible pasts or childhood 

Me: Yes. And NGOs that help prevent youngsters from having terrible childhoods in the first place.

AK: Yes NGOs in general or something like that 

Me: In Through the rose tinted glass. there’s a school shooting. What would you do if one of these happened to you and who would you try to save?

AK: That's actually a very good question. I've thought about this when I was writing the chapters. Most of us would think we would be heroic and brave and I too have thought like that at times but there's really no guarantee that in a life threatening situation I'd be in a state of mind to act instantaneously like the characters in the book do. So I'm unsure about that. But no one who tries to engage in mass killing should be left alone. Also my first instinct would be to find my friends or anyone who I could get to safety. 

Me: I think I'd probably do about the same. There's a quote from the movie Contagion where the one guy says, "I'm just trying to protect everyone in my lifeboat," and I think I'd do about the same in that situation.

AK: Yes I think that's anyone's first instinct. But more practically people would make sure they are safe before saving anyone else

Me: Yeah, it's a really tough situation, you don't want to have to think about something like that

Me: That’s it for today. Thanks for letting me interview you, Ankita! (If I keep writing this book I’m gonna need to come up with a better outro.)

AK: Haha no problem! This was fun. I've always wanted to be interviewed or vice versa :D why is your username space chair?

Me: Lego Movie reference :) there's this one part where Abraham Lincoln says, "A house divided against itself... would be better than this!" and flies away on a magic chair and Chris Pratt said, "Abraham Lincoln, you get your space chair right back here!" I thought it was hilarious at the time.

 Ankitadhal’s book Through the rose tinted glass. is currently competing for a Watty. Go check it out! Also, for all you kiddos who might want to do an interview book someday, she was very friendly and had a lot of fun, and I can personally say she'd probably be more than willing to do one!

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