The Potato Queen (teratoid)

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I found, and became fascinated with teratoid, after reading her rant book So Shut Up, which was more of a general guidebook for life than anything. Kindly, she agreed to do an interview with me. This is our conversation about pickles, bands and the amazingness of potatoes.

Me: Why do you write? 

TT: to be honest, I wasn't lucky enough to be a born writer (like so many on here). It's a skill I've had to work hard to develop over the years. I mostly write for the story ideas that get stuck in my head. I have so many, but I rarely can get it down on paper the way that I want them.

Me: When did you begin writing?

TT:  technically, I've been writing since 1st grade. We had these YA competitions that the schools around where I live did all the way through elementary and middle school. But I started writing actual novel-like stories in middle school (they sucked, but I still count them).

Me: What are the biggest influences in your writing?

TT: the book that really got me serious in writing was the outsiders. I had an extreme obsession with the 50s era after reading it in 8th. I also had the hots for ponyboy (cringes). But it gave me my first really big story idea, and it's the reason I started posting online. I have no idea where I'd be now if I hadn't read it. 

Me: Why did you write your rant book, So Shut Up? (It should be preached, btw.)

TT: (Haha thanks): I'd seen a lot of the rant books going around on wattpad, but I noticed a lot of them were ONLY about wattpad. It got repetitive after reading several of them. Plus, being the quiet person that I am, I have a lot of unvoiced opinions that I'd been wanting to get out. I wanted to make a rant book that mostly went over real world problems and not just wattpad problems or personal problems. So, voila. A new rant book was born (to add to the giant pile of other wattpad rant books).

Me: You seem to have a lot of unique quirks, such as writing in all lower case, a deep seated fascination with potatoes. How did they come about?

TT:  haha, writing in lower case was definitely a stolen idea. I'd seen it around on wattpad but really liked the way it looked. I write that way on this account because nothing that I write on here is serious (or at least hoping to be published serious). My deep fascination for potatoes...I mean, have you seen them? They are the vegetable gods. They are beautiful. You can make so many things out of them, it's incredible. (Nah tbh I just become obsessed with whatever pops into my head. I also love pickles. And cats. And so many things. It's horrible).

Me: What do you do when you have writer’s block?

TT:  just...nothing. Nothing inspiring. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. I usually just move on to a different story for a while. And by while, I mean a ridiculously long time. I never finish anything I write because of this, I am such a horrible procrastinator.

Me: Now for the silly questions…

Me: What’s your favorite food? (You know, besides potatoes.)

TT: What's your favorite food?: I mean, how can you top potatoes? Actually, pickles. Pickles and pickle juice are amazing (don't judge).

Me: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

TT: whatever superpower allows you to be a ghost (invisibility?). Idk, I would just stalk people everywhere, as creepy and psychotic as that sounds. I'm just honestly curious how people act when no one is around. 

Me: What’s your favorite band, and have you seen them in concert? (You can say more than one.)

TT: I've actually never been to a concert (cries). If you look at my reading list, you've got most of my classic rock faves: queen, the doors, aerosmith, lynyrd skynyrd, e.l.o., pink floyd, johnny cash, the list could go on and on. My favorite indie/alternative/whatever you would call them band is starfucker. yes. starfucker. They are probably one of the most hipstery hipster bands you'll find. I don't recommend listening to them. It's bad (but amazing).

The great potato queen has six books on Wattpad, including Trigger Happy and The Ringmaster.

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