Haley (@HaleytheEquestrian)

29 2 4

Welcome back to another chapter of Wattpad’s Best, and today we’re gonna be doing an interview with a reader.

Yes, dear friend, you read that right. I was walking to school, thinking about how I could spice this up, and then I thought, “Oh.” And then, “Well, it’s a Monday.” (It wasn’t actually a Monday, but that’s not the point.) So I messaged a friend of M.C.’s (refer to first chapter) and this was our resulting conversation.

Me: What do you enjoy the most about being on Wattpad?

HE: I like the fact that I can read a lot of books for free because you know, everyone’s all upset about gas prices while meanwhile, no one gives a crap about high book prices

Me: How many books do you usually get requested to read in a month? (If any?)

HE: I’ve been asked to read a couple but my phone keeps deleting Wattpad because it’s not the smartest phone so I’m not on much. Usually I just scroll through the lists and find a book that looks interesting and read it

Me: I think this is the thing we all want to know, but what do you do when you’re reading a book and you don’t like the book? What do you say?  Do you just sort of pretend it never happened or...

HE: If I don’t like the book, I just keep reading like “eh, give it a chance” but if i really don’t like it i just delete it from my library and pretend i never read it haha

Me: Why do you only read and not write?

HE: well i dont really want the world to know im completely insane soooo

Me: i can respect that

HE: haha thanks

Me: Do you ever write?

HE: um…yeah i guess…sometimes i do but you know, not that anyone will ever read anything i write…

Me: What thing annoys you the most on Wattpad? And yes, 1D vampires count.

HE: don’t even talk about 1D vampires -_-

Me: or 1D kidnappings

HE: yep

Me: So now it’s time for the silly questions. Buckle your seatbelts.

HE: *buckles seatbelt*

Me: Which do you prefer, Mac or PC?

HE: Mac

Me: *does double fist to the air*


Me: Football or rugby?

HE: Really depends on who’s playing

HE: probably football

Me: -_-

Me: What fandoms are you a part of?

HE: oh gosh

Me: this may take a while

HE: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, SuperWhoLock, Divergent, THG, The Mortal Instruments, Harry Potter, Grey’s Anatomy, The Flash, The 100,  The Avengers, TFIOS, Looking for Alaska, Psych, and a couple others that i cant think of right now.

Me: Marvel

HE: whatever *laughing so hard I'm crying emoji*

Um, yeah, I honestly have no idea what you’re supposed to do at the end of an interview with a reader. Go spam her with messages on her message board? Send her a private message telling her she kicks ass, like she does? If any of you are more creative than me, go do a nice, original-type thing for her. I got nothing.

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