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"OI, [name]-CHAN, oi!"

Tokito [name], a government-hired assassin, looked at the white-haired male again in confusion. "Who were you again-" she squinted at the male, after a few seconds she came to a realization that this man was none other than her co-worker. "ah-, good morning, Shinazugawa." 


Moon Hashira

Tokito [name]


"Glad to know you're awake." He nodded, his white hair shaking up and down.


Wind Hashira

Shinazugawa Sanemi


"So, what were we talking about?" [name] smiled.

"Oyakata-sama told me to send the message to you. You are being asked to supervise a target and assist the students with their assassination." Sanemi informed her.

"Really? Is that so, well then, I'll accept." 

"You are to be stationed at Kunugigaoka Junior High, Class 3E," Sanemi further explained.


[name] Tokito, a female assassin who worked silently under the strict orders of governments and world leaders. Never once questioning given missions or tasks. One of the highest ranks while also being the youngest.

"I'll tell your cousin for you," Sanemi grunted.

[name] stood up and flashed Sanemi a smile, "thank you!! Have a good day, Shinazugawa!!"

and with that, she was gone


An eerie silence settled over the old classroom of 3E, an uneasy tension was present among the students. The door soon opened to reveal a towering, yellow octopus with his ironic smile. He wore a crescent moon tie, gown, and a graduation hat. The soft thump of a roll book had made [name] look up, wearing her usual smile despite the tension that hung in the air.

"Now then...let's get started," the creature began. "Student on duty, on your command."

A blue-haired boy stood up and shouted, "right!! Ready!!"

The whole class stood up in sync including [name].


[name] smiled and took out her gun.


All at once all students shot bullets at the yellow octopus. [name] held her gun down, firing a shot once every few seconds. 

The octopus was dodging the bullets at high speeds, leaving only after images in his haste. He shouted over the barrage of pink bullets, "Good morning!! Fire all you want-I'll just be taking attendance!! Isogai-kun?!"

"H-Here..!" A boy replied.

"What's that? I'm afraid I couldn't make it out over all the gunfire!!" The teacher up front yelled.

The Assassin's Hymn {KNY x Assassination Classrooom}Where stories live. Discover now