6|| Home Sweet Home?

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Pulling into the driveway of my new house the next day I don't know what I was expecting but it sure wasn't this four story fucking castle

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Pulling into the driveway of my new house the next day I don't know what I was expecting but it sure wasn't this four story fucking castle. The limestone was pristine and perfect. The lines were sharp and ornate. I didn't know where to look.

It was just me and the five brothers in the limo, Mum and Charles had flown out to their luxury vacation on a private jet an hour ago. Mum had said goodbye but she didn't seem all that upset that she wasn't going to see me for three weeks. It stung, especially since it seemed like she was already accustomed to this rich life we were joining. I was terrified.

We had picked up my bags on the way to the airport-the private aircraft section-and the boys looked surprised when I got back in the car carrying an oversized duffle bag and a small purple backpack.

It was hard to watch Mum lock up the apartment and hand over the keys to the realtor that Charles had hired to sell the house as quickly as possible. Since we were in a desirable area it wasn't hard. Charles had promised that my furniture would be moved to my new room so I felt more comfortable. 

I must have been staring into space or something because I found myself staring up at Ben's goofy face pressed against the window. His brown hair splayed against the glass. I knew he was trying to lighten the mood for me since it would be the first time I've been away from my Mum for so long and it was working a little bit. I was still terrified though. I had to attend a new school and live alone with these strangers who I now call my stepbrothers for 3 weeks.

"Hey weirdo! Ya gonna get outta the car, or are ya just gonna sit and stare?" Ben yelled through the glass. I rolled my eyes and quickly opened the door so it would smack him in the face. But unfortunately he jumped out of the way. 

That little bitch.

"Loser, you missed" Ben started uncontrollably laughing.

"Shut up asshole." I shoved him playfully as I went to grab my bags from the back of the car but Evan already had them.

"It's okay I can take them," I smiled, walking over to where he stood.

He flashed me a smile, "It's fine Amelie I got it. I'll take these up to your room for you and Ben can show you around. How does that sound?" I hadn't talked to Evan much but he seemed really nice and the thought of him offering to take my bags for me made my heart swell with gratitude.

"Thanks you didn't have to do that." 

ugh Millie why do you always have to answer back just say okay!

"Of course, no problem, you settle in and I'll see you for dinner in like 45 minutes." Evan replied as he made his way toward the house- sorry mansion. I had honestly forgotten to look at the house properly since we drove in. With the teasing with Ben and talking with Evan, I had completely forgotten, and to be honest, it was hard to. I couldn't even wrap my head around how much money one had to have had in order to pay for a house this size. 

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