18|| I Think He Knows

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I woke up with the worst headache I have ever experienced in my life

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I woke up with the worst headache I have ever experienced in my life. It was like someone had ripped out my brain, stabbed it and shoved it back in. My whole body felt like led and lifeless.

Maybe I could just lie here forever?

Or so I thought until I felt a pillow whack against my face. Which just made my migraine worse. I opened my eyes to see Noah, who was already dressed in sweats and a t- shirt with a pillow in his hand and a huge grin plastered across his face that I so desperately wanted to hit right now.

"Fuck you Noah." I sighed as I grabbed my pillow and pulled in over my head in defeat, hoping that I could at least get a little bit more sleep. It's not like anything was going on today right?

"Millie, you have to get up!" Noah said again amusement laced into his voice. He went to hit me with the pillow again but before he could I ripped it out of his hands and threw it back at him with all the force I could muster with my tired body.

Of course Noah caught it though. Mister star football player, I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see them.

"Can't I just sleep?" I begged. Noah laughed at this.

"Yeah, but you have to get up so we can go watch Ben's soccer game, you know so everyone else doesn't suspect anything, and trust me you don't want to miss it. It's hella funny when Ben's hungover and playing soccer. One time he fell flat on his face and landed on the ball! " I know I should probably be laughing at this because it would be hilarious but one part of what Noah said stuck in my head.

How many times had Ben showed up to his soccer games hungover?

Poor Ben.

And just like that the events from last night resurfaced and I remembered everything I told Noah. What if he told Evan? What if my mum found out I knew? Our relationship would never ever be the same again. I swallowed, lifted my head and opened my mouth to say something but Noah cut me off as if he'd been reading my mind.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, Millie." His expression softened.

I didn't even know how to respond so I just nodded.

I looked at Noah who held up the pillow again ready to throw at me. "Now hurry up and be downstairs in 5, actually be at the top of the stairs because there is no way you are hopping down the stairs with crutches hungover, as much as I want to see you fall, it would not end well." He laughed and threw the pillow back onto my bed before leaving my room.

"Wow, thanks you're so kind." I deadpanned. He just grinned and closed the door.

After a few seconds of debating whether I ignore Noah or get out of bed I decided to get up. My main motivation was Ben. Not for the same reasons as Noah though. I mean it's funny when people fall, don't get me wrong, but I really wanted to be there for him. After he told me that his Mum used to go to all of his games and now hardly anyone does, I wanted to support him- and maybe see him fall but let's just go with the first thought!

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