8|| Sundae Secrets

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just wanted to say this is prob my fav chapter we've written so far so enjoy! and we learn a little bit more abt Ben:) 

happy reading xoxo


Once Evan was done in the kitchen Ben took me by the hand and brought me into the sprawling kitchen, where he proceeded to hop up onto the counter to grab two very fancy looking glass dishes

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Once Evan was done in the kitchen Ben took me by the hand and brought me into the sprawling kitchen, where he proceeded to hop up onto the counter to grab two very fancy looking glass dishes. He made the universal shush sign when he climbed down. I chuckled to myself.

"Don't tell my dad about this, these are 600 dollar dishes." Ben whispered slyly. I gawked at him

"600 DOLLARS?" I asked, not quite containing my surprise. He shushed me again.

"Not so loud! I do this all the time but if Evan or my dad finds out I won't have my eyebrows anymore, and the ladies love my eyebrows." He said, wiggling his arched brows. He laughed and walked over to the giant freezer and looked inside. He didn't look like the cold was affecting him at all but I could feel it from across the room and I was getting cold.

"What's your favourite kind of ice cream?" He asked, still looking at the freezer.

"I don't know, I thought you said that you only had 6 different types of ice cream?"

"Well yeah, but I'm sure we have your favourite." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I like Chocolate." I said, keeping my gaze on the floor tiles. He turned around and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Chocolate?" He spat the word like it tasted bad on his tongue. I laughed and lifted my gaze to meet his. It felt good to laugh, especially since I could feel my leg shaking involuntarily against the counter.

"Yes, chocolate." I spat back, mentally cursing my leg to stop shaking. Maybe it was from the cold or maybe not.

"Huh, I really thought you'd be a Vanilla kinda girl" Ben said as he turned around to face me, still leaving the freezer wide open.

"Well, you're wrong I guess, there's a lot you don't know about me." Ben opened his mouth to reply but then closed it and went back to looking through the freezer. There was an awkward silence after that, and it made me realize that there was a lot I didn't know about Ben either.

"FOUND IT!!" Ben shouted in victory, making me jump so hard and snap out of my daze.

"What happened to staying quiet?" I whisper shouted.

Ben's mouth fell into an o shape as he shut the freezer door with his foot, attempting to be quiet, carrying way too many ice cream tubs in his arms.

"Um a little help?!" He said almost dropping the chocolate tub.

"Right, sorry!" I picked up the fancy glass dishes and walked over to him, careful not to drop them. I then managed to grab the chocolate from his arms without him dropping it.

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