2|| A Punch To The Gut

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"My words are bullets and your my favorite target."                                                                                               -Nessa Barrett

"                                                                                               -Nessa Barrett

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"Morning Millie!" my Mum smiled as I entered the kitchen that morning. She looked awful to be completely honest. Her long brown hair was tied up in a messy knot, her makeup wasn't completely washed off and clothes were all wrinkly and she reeked of booze. I guess she didn't have time for a shower this morning. 


"Morning" I mumbled. 

Woah mum I guess we're just gonna act like nothing happened last night. Well I could play it that way too, just you wait. Let's see how far she's willing to lie. "How was your night out with your friends last night?" I smiled, emphasizing the friends.

"You know what it was really good, we haven't seen each other in ages. So it was really nice to catch up! How was your night at home?" She asked, still smiling brightly. 

Oh my god she could just lie straight to my face without even looking slightly guilty that made me want to scream.

Had she been doing this for years? That was the scarier question. 

And the fact that I'd probably believe her lies if I didn't remember his voice calling her 'baby' and her slurred words last night that have since been burned into my brain.

"You know what it was okay" I tried to fake a smile but on the inside I was beginning to shatter. I was going to leave it at that until she gave me that sick smile that used to make me feel warm but at this point it made me feel manipulated and stupid. 

"That was until I heard your drunk ass and your boyfriend coming in last night at 4am!" Mum was relaxed before but at the mention of him her shoulders tensed. She didn't deny it though. I stood there waiting, she just continued to stare at her coffee cup like it was the most fascinating thing. Eventually I got tired of waiting.

"Mum, I thought we told each other things?" I said trying the calm approach because I was tired of getting angry, even though it felt good it got me nowhere.

"Baby I'm tired, please can we not do this now." she sighed as she stood up and headed for her bedroom. Baby I hated that word.

"Don't call me that!" I guess the calm approach was thrown out the window. I couldn't do this later. I needed closure, I needed the truth. Mum flinched at my words, right I forgot she was hung over. That just made me want to scream more to be honest. I grabbed her arm before she could walk away from the conversation.

"Just stop with the lies please Mum, I know his name is Charles I know he called you baby, you said.." before i could finish she cut me off.

"I'm sorry Millie. You know I love you." I hated when parents used that as some kind of leverage 'you know I love you' to try to make you feel guilty about yelling at them.

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