13|| Fancy Academy

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We pulled up to Willow Wood Private School and the first thing I thought was, oh shit

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We pulled up to Willow Wood Private School and the first thing I thought was, oh shit. I hadn't really had nerves before but looking at this building before me gave me enough nerves to last a lifetime.

Luckily You Belong With Me was playing, giving me the confidence I needed. It wasn't too hard to convince Cooper to play Taylor since the broken ankle was a great excuse.

"Pretty cool huh?"

"Um, that's not what I was gonna say but sure." I said, swallowing hard. I take an extra few seconds to breathe and try to calm my nerves.

"Hey. you okay?" Ben asked from the front turning back to look at me.

"Mhm. I'm fine." I said, trying to fake a convincing smile. He raised his eyebrow like he knew I was lying.

"You gotta get out, babes. You got one minute until the bell." Cooper said. He stepped out of the driver side door to open the trunk. He walked around to my door and handed me my crutches. "You're going to do a great Amelie. If you need me to come get you at any point in the day don't be afraid to call ok?" He said helping me out of the car.

"Hey, what about me? Can I come home too?" Ben whined. I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but it hurt my heart.

"Ha, who's the baby now?" Cooper laughed. I chuckled trying to keep my mood light.

"Bennnn!!!" A female voice laughed as she sprinted over and wrapped Ben up in a hug. Ben hugged her back and kissed her on the top of her head. I'm guessing she was his girlfriend and they were really cute. Once they pulled back she smiled widely at me.

"Is this Amelie?" She asked him. Ben nodded. Smiling sweetly

"Hi I'm Brynn, nice to meet you." She walked over to where I was standing with my crutches next to Cooper's tesla.

"Hi," I said, smiling back at her. Brynn seemed genuinely really sweet and she was so gorgeous, probably one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. She had gorgeous shiny, light brown hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail. She had beautiful sea glass green eyes that reflected the sun in the most incredible way. I really hoped I wasn't staring. I kinda felt ugly next to her, but I could see why Ben liked her. I didn't know her but she gave off this beautiful energy.


"There's the bell I gotta go to class! It was nice to meet you Amelie!" Brynn called as she dashed away. She pecked Ben on her way past, and as quickly as she had come, she was gone.

"Ok Millie, we better get going. Bye Coop," Ben told his older brother as he led me towards the school in front of me. Here goes nothing.

"Good luck Amelie, I would say break a leg, but you've somehow already managed that!" Cooper laughed as he hopped back into the car.

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