5|| Here Comes The Bride

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Me and Noah walked the rest of the way to the room where the ceremony took place in silence

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Me and Noah walked the rest of the way to the room where the ceremony took place in silence. Once we opened the big door to the main part of the church, I realised just how many people were attending this wedding.

How many people did the Harris's know?

Cause I know damn well that me and Mum don't know many people at all, and plus my grandparents are dead. My grandpa died when my Mum was around 17 and Grandma died just 2 years ago. We were pretty close so it still stung that she wouldn't be here to see Mum get married. Enough about me though it must be even harder on Mum, to get married without her parents here. Maybe that's why she drank so much. 

Drinking away the pain so your numb, I knew that feeling all too well.

As soon as Noah and I walked in the room it got really quiet. Why was it so quiet? Were we late? I checked the clock on the corner. Phew. We had 2 minutes until the ceremony.

My shoulders tensed and my gaze fixated on the ground as we walked to the front of the rows in the church to join the everyone else. I could feel eyes burning into me like lasers with every step I took and every row I passed, like they were trying to read my mind, see what I was hiding, all my doubts and insecurities, and I hated that. I hated all eyes on me. Then started the whispers. 

"Is that the new Harris?", "new stepsister", "she's pretty", "will she last?"

I gulped and tried to block them out. Where were my headphones when I needed them most and where were our seats, how fucking long was this aisle??

I felt Noah's hand take mine in his and away from my rings and my head snapped up. But he wasn't looking at me, his eyes were on Ben who was waving aggressively from the front row. Typical Ben.

When we arrived in the front row I was sandwiched between Noah and Ben. I don't know if Noah realized but he was still squeezing my hand but I didn't mind. Maybe he was just as scared as I was, but better at hiding it obviously. It felt good to not go through it alone.

"What took you guys so long!" Ben whisper shouted once we'd taken our seats.

"None of your business Benny Boy" Noah replied as he reached over to mess up Ben's hair.

"Hey! It took me hours to perfect this asshole." Ben took out this phone and swiped to camera to try to fix his fluffy brown hair back into its style.

"Your hair always looks messy. What are you on about?!" Noah retorted.

"Yes and I like it messy but dad will kill me if he sees it like this he made me do it nice for the wedding." Noah rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "If he says anything it's on you" Ben smirked. Noah was about to say something but I cut in.

"Do you guys want me to move so you're not leaning in front of me?!" I asked, ready to get up and swap seats with Noah. But before I could, Ben grabbed my arm.

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